1. Deer In Headlights

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: Fiction Authoritarian, Blowjob Consensual Sex Erotica Male/Female Older Male / Female, Author: Eccho, Source: sexstories.com

    ... laughter as I escort Pearl into my room and shut the door. Wow, that was embarrassing. I turn to the poor flushed bunny with quick shaky breaths, signaling to me that the feeling is indeed mutual.
    “Sorry about that,” I say, trying to calm her down,
    “O-oh, i-it’s no problem,” she says, forcing a smile,
    “Alright, well, to take our minds off of that, why don’t we just have some fun, yeah?”
    “Awesome. I was thinking that we could finish up the level that’s been kicking our asses forever now and maybe order a pizza and watch some anime. Sound good?”
    “H-huh? Uh- yeah. Sure. Sounds...sounds great.”
    Looks like I need to act fast. Her breathing is just getting worse. That conversation with dad must really be taking its toll on her. I’ll have to talk to him about it when she leaves. He really went too far with everything he was saying.
    We boot up Wolfpack 3 and commence the slaughter of hordes of enemy soldiers. One by one, all meet the same fate of being filled with lead. As we clear level after level, I take glances at Pearl, noticing her rise in demeanor. She’s much more invested in this than what happened earlier. Ah, the overwhelming power of video games.
    Ok, this is it. Level 17. Our kryptonite. But we’ve got this. It’s no issue anymore. We’re not afraid. Yesterday’s over. Our time is now. AND WE’RE GONNA KICK. THIS. LEVEL’S. ASS!!!!
    So a few minutes pass and the level completely bends us over and shows us what’s what. Whatever. Who ...
    ... cares? It’s just a dumbass game anyway. First person shooters suck. Whose idea was it in the first place? Whoever came up with the thought of anything like this deserves the death penalty.
    “Ah, darn, we got beat up again,” Pearl says with a shrug,
    “Eh, whaddaya gonna do?” I reply, “Wanna try again? Or do you wanna order that pizza and fire up some anime?”
    “Let’s go for anime. Oh, shoot, I- uh- I forgot my purse downstairs.”
    “Oh, it’s no big deal. I’ve got it.”
    “No, no. I couldn’t ask that of you. Your money’s no good here. I’ll go get my items and you find something to watch.”
    “Uh, ok. Hurry back.”
    She steps out of the room and I scroll through the catalog, looking for the perfect show that matches the mood. But as time goes on, I’m falling deeper and deeper into show searching purgatory. I don’t know what to watch. Nothing I’m seeing right now is really exciting to me, which is weird because just before Pearl showed up, all of these shows just popped out to me. The mind is weird.
    Maybe I should just wait for her to come back up here so that she can help me choose. Maybe it’s a different perspective thing. So I wait a few minutes, scrolling and scrolling, but she’s not coming. What’s taking her so long? Is she ordering down there? A bit weird, but the sooner you order a pizza, the better, I guess. So I keep waiting.
    Fifteen minutes pass and I’m starting to get impatient, bored, and hungry. Ordering a pizza shouldn’t take this long. What’s going on? I ...