1. The secret hotel room 2

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Ass to mouth BDSM Bondage and restriction Domination/submission Group Sex Hardcore Incest Male Domination, Teen Author: M.underwood, Source: sexstories.com

    It had been a couple of months since my last visit to the hotel in London. I still couldn’t get over the fact the hotel has secret rooms that can see straight into the guests room, and I certainly couldn’t believe what we had seen!!
    The hotel unfortunately was out of my companies budget so I’d booked the usual hotel and sat in disappointment on the train. At least I would be able to spend time with my daughter who was at university in london. Her uni and work schedule and my schedule meant we rarely got time to see each other. She couldn’t do tonight but had booked us a nice restaurant for the following day.
    As I was sat on the train my phone rang. Thinking it was a work call I answered it “Hello Sir, this is Chris from hotel reception” I instantly had the biggest smile and excitement. I recognised the voice, it wasn’t reception. It was the Manager of the hotel with the secret hotel room whom I know well “unfortunately there has been a mistake with your booking but we have allocated you a hotel at our other hotel. There will be an Uber waiting for you at the train station when you arrive. We look forward to welcoming you and apologies for any inconvenience.”
    No inconvenience at all I thought! As promised there was an Uber waiting for me and I made the journey across London to my new hotel.
    I checked in, “how many keys will you require sir”.
    “Just one thank you I’m here for work”
    “Of course sir. I’ve included an extra key, just in case” the receptionist said ...
    ... with a knowing smile.
    I smiled back and made my way to my room. As soon as I put my bags down the phone rang, it was Chris “hope you didn’t mind the hotel swap” he said with a slight laugh
    “Not at all, any interesting guests tonight”
    “make your way to the server room before 9. As before if anyone is around don’t come in and keep walking”.
    It was just after 8, enough time to freshen up, have a beer and call the wife. I also sent my daughter a message confirming the plans for tomorrow night.
    It was almost 9 and I made my way up to the top floor where the server room was. As the lift opened a couple were waiting and my nerves were up. Walking along the corridor I was relieved no one else was there and I made my way into the server room. Chris was in there along with a couple of others. I instantly noticed the improvement to the spy room, a beer fridge. As I grabbed a beer I asked Chris what to expect.
    “We’re not sure. It’s a group who have booked a few standard rooms but one on the top floor. That normally means a party, sometimes it’s just drugs and a few beers, sometimes there’s a girl or 2 invited. There’s a girl in the bathroom but it seems they’re a couple so its looking like just a normal party. But worth waiting”
    At 9:15 there was a knock on the door and 5 lads walking in, they all shook hands and hugged the guy in the room, they were all mates so it was clear this was just going to be a few drinks and probably some drugs. Disappointed I was finishing ...