1. Consequences of Teasing

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byDrummond_someday, Source: Literotica

    Mike and his date Miranda arrived at his house. She preferred to be called Randi.
    Sitting on his couch, looking at his girlfriend sitting in the easychair across from him, Mike was angry. The woman he'd started dating 3 weeks ago had asked him to stop at McDonald's on the way home from a romantic apple picking date on a crisp, sunny fall day. That wasn't what made him angry. What set him off was her sexy banter once they got home.
    She took a long sip from her vanilla shake through the straw. "Oh I just love sucking up the thick white liquid!" she said, looking at him with a feigned shy pout.
    The problem was Randi would throw out all this provocative talk, and then brush off his advances. So far just a peck on the cheek for his efforts.
    Randi's curvy body and red hair were Mike's ideal of beauty. He had many graphic sexual fantasies of her, often blowing a load in overheated stroke sessions after their dates. Mike was done having the scent waved under her nose. As of now.
    "Randi, stop it. I had enough." He growled.
    "Stop what?" she said in mock ignorance.
    "I've had it with the teasing thing, I'm a grown man. I won't put up with it."
    "You think I'm a tease?" she asked, looking up at him trying to strike a schoolgirl like pose, hard to pull off with her lush bust and butt.
    "That's it!" Mike snapped, grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her across his lap. The short, loose skirt he had been looking up as she climbed the apple picking ladder, flipped ...
    ... up exposing her red satin thong.
    Mike smacked her beautiful ass hard, leaving a red hand print. Two more sharp cracks rang out as more blows fell on her soft jiggly butt.
    His hand froze in the air, as Mike realized what he was doing could get him arrested. "Oh my God, Randi, I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I'll take you home right now." He said urgently as she still lay across his lap.
    "What for, we're just getting started." Randi answered, wiggling her hips against him. "I've been a bad girl, I need some more punishment."
    The light dawned on Mike, this is what his sexy girlfriend had been waiting for. He began to harden against her as she continued squirming against his now rising cock. Looking down he noticed red thong between her now half spread legs, was darkening with her moisture.
    Crack!, Mike whacked her again. "You bad, horny little girl." He began to play his part. "You should know what happens when you act like this!"
    "Oooo, what happens sir?" Randi asked with more urgent wiggles.
    Mike spanked her again, keeping his hand on her warm, reddened ass. He began to stroke the wet crotch of her thong with his fingers. "If you act like this, you're going to get fucked, hard!"
    Mike had figured out the key to Randi's sexually, she wanted to be taken. Not literally, she was plenty willing. She just needed him to assert dominace and give her direction.
    "Lift up and let me take your panties off." He ordered. Randi quickly obeyed and Mike slipped her ...