1. A Japan Holiday

    Date: 7/14/2024, Categories: True Story Blowjob Cum Swallowing Incest Masturbation Oral Sex Reluctance Author: GSpot69, Source: sexstories.com

    My parents and I traveled to Japan for a 2-week holiday. Our final destination was Tokyo, but we stopped for a few days of skiing. Rooms were limited at the resort when mum booked them, so we ended up in one room together. However, everyone had tatami mats on the floor to sleep in. Very quaint.
    My name is Josie. I’m 22, a college student on break. I don’t usually share a “bedroom” with my parents. However, this trip brought a new meaning to the words “a close family”. Our flight was long, and we checked into the resort in time to eat a late dinner and get some shut eye. We all fell asleep quickly.
    It was really early in the morning, when I heard some movement. I was half awake and trying to work out where I was. That’s when my Dad stepped over me on his way to the bathroom. I could see his semi-erect cock was tenting his boxers. I clenched my eyes quickly closed in shock. Clearly, he thought I was asleep! He stepped out to the shared bathroom (common in Japan). On the way back in, the head of his cock was peeking through the opening of his boxers. I feigned sleep, desperately hoping he hadn't noticed I was awake on the way in. There was no indication that he had.
    Nothing was said and we spent the day skiing. We had a great day up until the point where Dad decided he was going to show off and attempt to ride a rail. He's a pretty good skier considering he took it up late in life, but his attempt proved just how much he wasn't ready to attempt what he did. He survived ...
    ... and didn't break anything, but he was pretty banged up, particularly in the abdomen and leg. He managed to ski on for a bit but he was clearly in pain.
    We had not yet adapted to the time change, had an early dinner and went to bed. My mum uses an eye cover when sleeping, as the blind’s never stop all the light. She also takes some CBD before bed, as it apparently helps with snoring. She offered me some, and I said sure. However, as I crawled into bed, I realized I forgot it in the bathroom. I was tired and didn’t want to go back and get it. I’m glad I didn’t.
    I had the bed closest to Dad, then Mum on the other side of Dad. A noise woke me up. I looked at the clock, and it showed 2am. I rolled onto my side to go back to sleep, turning so that I was facing toward my parents. That was the second time I saw Dad's dick.
    He was stroking it!
    I closed my eyes quickly, but soon enough curiosity got the better of me. I cracked my eyes open to take in what I was seeing. Dad had his phone in one hand and his cock in the other. I couldn't see what was on the phone, but Dad was rock hard, and working his hand up and down the length of a thick penis. It was quite impressive. I watched, feeling guilty and yet oddly excited at the same time, right up until the time that Mum stirred in her sleep. Dad dropped his phone to his chest to hide the light from the screen and I rolled back the other way.
    As I tried to go back to sleep, I could hear Dad's movements and had to resist the ...