1. Becca, Day One of Vacation

    Date: 7/14/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byGoatBubblehead, Source: Literotica

    ... bitch?"
    "Becca, she is drunk, she isn't able to think straight."
    "She should be upset after all the videos I took of her."
    "You gave me that folder?"
    She pulled away and smiled. "Terrance set up a camera to video her if she entered the bedroom."
    I laughed at first, "Becca, seeing such a thing are you okay?"
    "Yes, Terrance watched most of the tapes and put it together for me."
    "Who is Terrance?"
    "He is my boyfriend; he is a linebacker for our football team. He is a large teddy bear. We may get married if you say yes."
    "I do have my shotgun ready; I'll find out if I like him."
    "Daddy, he weighs 290 pounds, he may even be taller than you and he is so strong. Plus, he treats me like a queen. He is so gentle and demands nothing of me."
    "Sounds like you found a good man."
    "He is close to you, so yes I think I did."
    "Thank you, what are you going to do now?"
    "I came home to be with mom because you would be away, but when I heard what she said, I ran out and hid in you truck."
    "How did you get here?"
    "Terrence drove me, then he went home."
    "I do like this man. Okay come with me, you can stay with me. We can enjoy Boston together."
    "Are you serious, I can vacation with you, Daddy I will be so happy being with you. We always have fun."
    She held me tight, then she kissed me on my lips and got back in the truck. She sat in the middle so she could be close.
    "Lets go have some fun, where are your clothes?"
    "I have a bag in ...
    ... the back."
    "Do we need to go shopping?"
    "Yes, what I have isn't really appropriate for walking around Boston."
    "Let's go shopping, then check in, it's early. We can even stop for some clam chowder."
    "I miss Clam Chowder so much, it's not the same in the college café."
    We drove and Becca talked all the way. I enjoyed her youth and beauty. My daughter is gorgeous. She looked at me and smiled.
    "What are you thinking about?"
    "I am enjoying you talking, so youthful and excited about the world."
    "Thank you, Daddy."
    "If I may, I am just curious why you still call me daddy?"
    "Not many young women have such a handsome loving father, I called you daddy through high school, why not continue."
    "Thank you."
    We stopped at Ann Taylors and Becca looked everywhere. I sat and watched as she shopped. Three hours later she paid for her clothes, and the store would deliver them to the hotel for her. We found a small chowder hut and it was so good. We decided to walk to the North Church and take a tour. While there we learned of a walking tour of Boston's Freedom Trail. We signed up and then went to dinner at Davio's Northern Italian Steakhouse.
    Our walk back to the room was to far on a full stomach, so we took a taxi. I held the door for Becca, and she once again spread her legs long enough to see her wet panties.
    I just watched her smiling the ride back and she looked at me and moved to me and I held her under my arm.
    "Did you enjoy today?" I asked ...