1. Selena needs help moving her friend.

    Date: 7/13/2024, Categories: True Story Author: Josdiablo, Source: sexstories.com

    I had worked all day and I was tired. I had planned on just laying down and watching tv. I had to be up at 430 am for work the next day. Selena called me and asked me if I could go with her to help Roxy move into her new apartment. I was already exhausted, but said yes because I just enjoyed being around Selena. She told me just would be over at my house in a few minutes and I could just ride with her.
    Selena arrived at my house to pick me up. When I knew I’d be seeing her, I would always try to make myself look good for her. Even though I didn’t have time to get ready, Selena told me how well I looked. Well the only reason had to be was because I was always glowing in her presence. Selena looked wonderful as usual, her glowing blonde hair, those eyes and beautiful smile that just sucked me in. She was wearing a white t-shirt and skin tight jeans. I could tell she had dressed to help move stuff at the apartment, but still she looked like a goddess.
    The drive to Roxy’s new place was about 45 mins from my house. We made the usual small talk and like I said earlier, I was just happy to be in her presence. As she drove she could see me starting to fall asleep s. She was driving her truck and it had a bench seat in it. She told me to lay down in her lap and take a nap. I was so tired I laid my head in her lap and never even once thought anything sexual. She began stroking my hair as she drove. It was such a peaceful feeling laying there and her running her fingers through ...
    ... my hair that I fell asleep in her lap.
    The next thing I knew she was waking me up and we were in the parking lot of Roxy’s apartment complex. Roxy is Selena’s lesbian friend and I had already had sex with Roxy the first time Selena and I hooked up. And I know it sounds odd but hooking up with Roxy along with Selena was never on my mind when we would all see each other. Selena has been the only woman that I have been with that completed me and I didn’t look at other women sexually.
    We walked up to Roxy’s door and knocked. Roxy answered the door wearing a white 80’s rock band shirt, ball cap and blue jeans. Roxy is kinda dyke looking but still she was very cute still. She hugged Selena tight and thanked her for coming over to help and bringing me. She then hugged me but not like she did Selena. We walked inside and sat down on her couch. Her living room was full of boxes and stuff that needed to be put up. Roxy and Selena began talking about where to start putting things. And the next thing I knew I had fallen asleep on the couch.
    I wake up to Selena leaning over me and kissing me. As I open my eyes she kisses me on the lips and darts her tongue into my mouth. Her tongue dances with mine as I feel her start rubbing my dick through my pants. In an instant I’m hard from her touch. As we break our kiss I notice Roxy standing there watching us. For a split second I think of taking Selena right there on the couch in front of Roxy. But I don’t want Selena thinking I’m always ...