1. the I Phelta Thi Sorority - Part 3

    Date: 7/13/2024, Categories: Fiction Lesbian Male / Females Virginity Author: Valerie Noirblossom, Source: sexstories.com

    ... delete them for security.”
    “Couldn’t you just go in the front entrance?”
    She blushed. “You do not see me here. If you EVER see me in public, I was never ever here. OK?”
    “See who?” I said.
    “Thank you.”
    “Do you want me to tell someone you’re here? I suppose you could probably just come on in.”
    “I’m going to see Caroline. Do you know her?”
    I shrugged. “No idea.” I considered. “You seem OK. I guess I can let you in with me. Actually, you can show me the way.”
    “OK.” She brushed past me cozily, and I followed her down an alleyway as the door clicked shut behind us.
    Then she stopped abruptly, causing a pleasant collision with the crease between her soft full buns a little below waist level. “Hey, are you that guy that’s seeing Sarah now?”
    I nodded, “I’ll be seeing her very soon, if that’s what you’re asking.”
    Her voice dropped to a whisper. “That sweet little girl — I’ve had a crush on her, like, forever.”
    My eyebrows raised. “What would Caroline think?”
    She laughed. “Never you mind that. Caroline would want to join in!”
    “I can mention it to Sarah and see what she says,” I heard myself offer, unbelievably.
    “Let me get your cell number. . .” she pulled out her phone.
    I told her, and she sent me a text. It pinged.
    “And your name is?” I said.
    “You can call me Annalee,” she said. “Around here they know me like that. Sounds like ‘anally,’ huh? I like to ride along behind. Along with other things. . . I’d love to ride along ...
    ... behind
    ,” she said. “I hear it’s a lot more fun with someone who has a prostate, but I’ve never tried it before. Or I could ride along behind her while she has a massive double-penetrated orgasm around your cock. I tell you, being connected with a girl’s asshole when she cums is like nothing else. . . gives me massive orgasms every time.”
    “Er, I’ll pass that along,” I said.
    We continued down the alley, and reached a doorway to the cellar of the sorority building. There were two trap doors set at an angle. She opened one, lighting the flashlight of her phone, and stepped down the stairs. I got my phone out as well and did the same.
    “Close the door behind you,” she said, and I did. We walked for a ways down a long narrow corridor. It was wide enough for only one person really, though two could get by each other if they squeezed. “The story goes that they put in this secret tunnel during the war with the British, but it was never used,” she said.
    A light appeared at the end of the tunnel, and I heard my sweetheart’s voice. “Someone there?” called out Sarah.
    Annalee took a sharp in-breath and put her hand to her heart, glancing back at me devilishly. She grinned, then kept on walking. We were almost to the light.
    “Sarah?” I said. “It’s me. Someone is showing me the way in.”
    “You’re early,” she replied. “I was just about to come get you.”
    The opening at into the Sorority building turned out to be a bottom panel in a hallway, so we had to get on our hands and ...