1. Revenge

    Date: 7/13/2024, Categories: Lesbian Author: iRISHREDHEAD, Source: LushStories

    ... reached for her makeup kit, she realized it was missing. Her dress, shoes, and stockings were gone. Her husband had bought them for her for their anniversary a month ago. How will she explain that, plus what took place? Denise had thought of everything.
    As Jackie stood there in shock, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear and anger towards Denise. She never expected such cruelty. She cried over how long it would take for her hair to grow back.
    Meanwhile, Denise strutted down into the parking garage, paid her ticket, and tipped the attendant, smiling. She was feeling satisfied with her revenge. She had taken what Jackie had valued most and left her with nothing but a cheap outfit and a reminder to never mess with another woman's girlfriend. Denise had her revenge.