1. Truckstop Whore – Jessie gets a Daddy

    Date: 7/12/2024, Categories: Diary , Consensual Sex Domination/submission Job/Place-of-work Author: spacybickerson, Source: sexstories.com

    ... to Big Otto.
    His hat is pulled low so I can’t see his eyes, but he licks his lips and smiles. “Hey, you got something for me?” There’s a pause, but then he points to the boxes in my hands.
    “Oh, yeah. I got you some dinner since you left without eating.”
    “I didn’t want to miss my chance.” He leans against the wooden frame of the bunkhouse as I take the key out of my pocket and open the door.
    “Sorry it’s not much.” I’m already apologizing as I walk inside and he follows close behind me. There’s a little table in the corner with a lamp, and I switch it on before setting his food down. “This is it.”
    Big Otto takes up about every available inch of this place, but he doesn’t look at anything but me. “You ain’t got nobody to take care of you, do ya?” When I shake my head, he nods like he expected this answer. “You’re too sweet to be on your own. Bad things happen to girls like you out here.”
    “Like me?”
    Big Otto moves closer, and I have no choice but stand there and wait. “Barely legal with tits like a grown woman.” He breathes through his nose as he watches me. “Pretty thing like you could make a man do bad things, and it wouldn’t even be his fault.”
    My breath hitches as he reaches for the front of my uniform. His thick finger trails over the swell of my breasts, and I remember the cash I stuffed in my bra. Then I remember what Thelma said.
    “I want cash up front,” I blurt out, but Big Otto is quick to agree.
    “How much you want, treasure?”
    Did he just ...
    ... call me treasure? I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean, but he said it sweetly.
    “Umm.” Crap, I should have asked Thelma what to say.
    “How about we start with this?” He reaches into his back pocket and takes out his wallet. It’s nearly bursting at the seams with all the cash in it, and I watch with wide eyes as he opens it up and takes out every last bill. “Anytime you don’t like something, you look at this.” He places the hundreds on the table and puts his finger on top of it. “If this ain’t enough to let me do it, I’ll pay more.”
    “Okay.” My voice is soft, but in this tiny room, he hears me loud and clear.
    I have no idea what I’m agreeing to, but with that stack of money alone I could leave this town and start over somewhere else. Maybe I’d have to wait tables again for a while, but it would be worth it.
    Maybe if I do like Thelma said, Big Otto will have a good time and want to see me again. Then I could really have a nice chunk of money to start over.
    “Good.” He interrupts my thoughts as he takes off his hat and places it on the table. His head is shaved, and I can see sweat on his brow as he flexes his hands like they ache to grab me. “Let me get some of that sweet pie I’ve been waiting for.” He crowds my space as he towers over me, and when the back of my knees hit the bed, I fall on top of it.
    I’ve never been on a bed with a man before, but I have a feeling Big Otto is going to do what he wants no matter what I tell him. But just like he said, I ...