1. Ally's Pussy Passion PART 2

    Date: 7/12/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Consensual Sex Oral Sex Teen Male/Teen Female Young Author: m88, Source: sexstories.com

    ... apartment, in all his handsome sexy glory. Ally said “You said you’d be here in the evening, it’s fricken 10pm at night” Alex said sorry and explained he was busy.
    Ally was yet again intrigued, what do you do on the other side? She asked, Alex said, “it’s really complicated actually” “there’s an electromagnetic energy field around our bodies, I can interact with energies from beyond our sight”, “Remember when you had anxiety in high school and it got better?” “That was me that made you better”, Ally was amazed.
    “So when do we have sex again”, Alex was wearing a tank top and gym shorts, he said “ we don’t have to have sex all the time, and besides, you had sex with scott.” Ally said “fair enough” Can I at least suck your cock? Alex immediately got a hard on and she moved in and touched it slightly, she slowly pulled down his shorts and out popped his nice juicy cock, Ally loved a good cock to suck, She sucked his cock for a while, she loved looking up at him like she was his little bitch, sucking his cock… Ally stopped and asked him, “What are you doing with me exactly?” “why are you around me?’ Alex replied, “I’m here to help you and guide you into your next life phase or chapter”, He explained “You just finished high school and are very lost, you don’t know what to do next with your life” Ally nodded “Very true, I was thinking of ending my life”Alex said “I know”, Ally said, “My parents are too rich and give me everything, I want to do things for myself for onced” Alex said “you just need to explore the city a bit, meet new people, and a whole world will open up for you”....
    To be continued…