1. Wedding Celebration Gone Bad

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: mter100, Source: LushStories

    ... than me affected me in a way that is hard to describe. My wife and I had been with only one another, or at least that was the case until that night, and I believe that played a more significant role in my wanting to know how she felt. I had been only with her, while she can attest now to being with more than just me. I felt like she one-up me, and I even noticed a difference when we made love. She was more vocal, and her demands I fuck her harder haven't gone unnoticed.
    She even tried to pull me deeper inside her one night while making love, and I know it has to do with him having a much more pronounced cock. I even wondered if she would fuck him again if given the chance. This might be a natural way to feel, but there are times I imagined her being fucked by him again. Only time will tell.