1. Shy wife does a boudoir photo shoot

    Date: 7/8/2024, Categories: Diary , Cheating Cuckold, Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Non-consensual sex Reluctance Threesome Wife Author: Exhibitionist_Couple, Source: sexstories.com

    ... me. Rodney picked up his camera and took some pics of me as I was catching my breath and coming to terms with what had just happened... a mixture of excitement and shame washed over me as Rodney congratulated me on doing a great job.
    It was such an abrupt end to everything, and Rodney stood there and said "when you're recuperated, you can go ahead and get dressed and we'll email you the pics once they are ready" as he handed me a wash rag... not knowing how to react, I just said "thank you" as I slowly got up and walked naked back into the dressing room to get dressed and collect my stuff. Joshua was still there, pants back on and was putting on his shirt when I walked in... I know it was stupid, but I felt self concious standing there naked, and covered my breasts with my arm as I walked toward my stuff. Joshua chuckled and said "there's no need to be shy now... that was a lot of fun, I'm glad you came out of your shell". I dropped my arm, trying to act more confident than I actually was, and told him "I never would have thought things would go that far... I'm still kind of taking it all in". He gave me a smile and said "well I hope you don't have any regrets... from what I understand your husband will be really proud of you". I didn't know what to say, so I just bashfully shrugged as I removed the garter belt and put on my panties. Joshua handed me a card, and said "if you'd ever like to meet up again... maybe to fuck in front of your husband, or even just the two of us, ...
    ... just hit me up". I thanked him as I put the card in my purse, a bit flattered that he would want to be with me again, although still a little uncomfortable standing topless in front of him. He walked up, gave me a brief kiss before playing with my nipples and saying "I hope to hear from you" and walked out the door.
    Once I was dressed, I walked out and it was just Rodney there messing with his camera. He looked at me and said "I think you'll be really happy with how the pictures turned out... I'll try to send a few samples later today, and we can go from there". He acted like he hadn't just fucked me, that it was just a normal photo shoot... I said "sounds great, I look forward to it" before walking out and getting in my car. As I drove home, I replayed everything that had happened in my head... was what happened a good thing? I never even changed outfits, and I realized that he hadn't taken any pictures while he or Joshua fucked me... as if it was never expected, or they didn't care to capture it. Would Jason be excited to hear about it, or would he be disappointed that I did it without him? I had never even had a threesome before, and today I let two guys fuck me despite not being willing to do it with my husband in the past... did I make a mistake? I'm sure he'd be happy with the nudity, but would knowing these guys took turns fucking me upset him? Did I really do it for him, or was that just an excuse I used because I wanted it at the time?
    I wasn't sure... maybe I ...