1. Taking My Daughter Sabine Ch. 3

    Date: 7/6/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Erotica Exhibitionism Incest Older Male / Female, Oral Sex Reluctance Romance School Virginity Voyeurism Young Author: Eric the Red, Source: sexstories.com

    ... again become really, deeply involved with fantasizing about my little girl, because I had her out of the shower, and bent over the bathroom sink when I was suddenly startled by a light rapping at my chamber door.
    "Daddy!" Sabine called from the other side, "I'm going too my mate's for that sleep over."
    "Which mate is that?" I asked, gripping my cock hard in an attempt to steady my voice.
    "....Alice.... from the team, I told you about it." she explained, sounding a little perturbed.
    "Right sweetie." I answered, suddenly remembering, "Have fun."
    "Bye daddy." she called out on her way too the door.
    I picked up the phone, and dialed Sylvia's number.
    I was horny beyond all reason, and a wank just wasn't going to cut it.
    I needed relief, I needed Sylvia.
    Just as I heard Sabine go out the door, Sylvia picked up, and I said, "Are you ready to get fucked?"
    I had spoken to Sylvia after the night I'd face fucked her, and I had let her know that my daughter was living with me now, and that Sabine had to come first, but I left the door open to future trysts with, "I'll let you know."
    "What?" she responded, sounding a little taken aback.
    "Look," I explained, "Sabine is gone for the night, I'm alone. Now, are you ready to get fucked?"
    I could hear her breath quicken as she pleaded, "Oh yes, please."
    "Yeah?" I shot back, "Well, I'll tell ya what, when your little whore ass is REALLY ready to get fucked REALLY hard, why doncha come over." and then I hung up the phone.
    She lived on the other side of town, but within fifteen minutes she was knocking at my door.