1. A Little Fun With Shelly And Eve - Final

    Date: 7/6/2024, Categories: Lesbian Author: MaxxNRachel, Source: LushStories

    ... had cheated. It wasn't with a man, yet I had cheated with a woman. I didn't think you could ever understand that. Damn, I didn't understand it myself. It happened so fast it was like a tidal wave of lust just rolled over me. I cried, dripping tears on Eve, and she stroked my back and hair. Eve whispered, 'What's the matter, baby?'
    'God, Eve, I have cheated on Ed. I am horrible. How could I do that to him? He is off protecting our country, and I am here cheating. I feel so ashamed. How can he ever take me back? I am a terrible wife!'"
    Just then, Eve jumped back in the conversation…
    "Ed, Shelly was so distraught, so I got right in her face and told her, 'Shelly, you are not a terrible person or wife. You are a horny wife with no way to satisfy your needs. You didn't fall for another man and fuck him. You have been loyal all this time, and last night I seduced you. You resisted every approach I had until I touched your pussy then you were mine.' Ed, if there is fault here, it is on me. I have wanted Shelly and I got her. You may hate me after tonight, and I would understand that, but I wanted you, and Shelly, you needed to be loved, so I loved you."
    I watched Eve closely as she spoke, and Shelly looked at me. I was sure Shelly was telling me what happened the way she remembered it. I felt sure Shelly had fought her urges for all these months. I also felt that if Eve had not pushed her, Shelly would not have cheated.
    As Eve finished, I ...
    ... stopped them both. "OK, that's enough; I get the story." I got up and got a beer out of the fridge. I looked at it, "Have these been in the fridge since I left?"
    Shelly smiled, "Yes!"
    I popped the top off the long neck and took a swig. I didn't gag, so it was still OK.
    I sat back down and looked at the two of them. It was time to roll out my plan for restitution. I wondered how they would take it. It was not vengeful but would teach each of them a lesson. I knew I would like it, and I was sure they would, too.
    "OK, ladies, I have heard both your stories and believe it or not, I think you were both honest and telling me the truth as you see it. Neither of you thought you would ever have to answer for what you did last night, but now you both do!
    Shelly, you must pay because you cheated on me, your husband. And Eve, you must pay because you seduced my wife, causing her to cheat on me. It all happened to satisfy your lusty wants and Shelly's needs.
    So here is what is going to happen. Eve, you will go into the guest room bathroom and shower, cleaning yourself and making your body squeaky clean. You will dry off and lay naked on the bed with your arms and legs spread out toward the corners of the bed. When you are ready, I will come in and blindfold you. You will remain lying there blindfolded until I tell you to move. Do you understand?"
    Eve looked at me, wondering what I had planned, "Yes, I understand."
    "Shelly, you will go into the master bathroom and ...