1. Wartime Comfort House Diary - Day 1 Milk Jugs

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Fiction Asian, Authoritarian, Blowjob Bondage and restriction Coercion Cum Swallowing Hardcore Lactation, Male Domination, Male/Female Reluctance Author: rojac29, Source: sexstories.com

    My career began as a Second Lieutenant. Moving up the ranks quickly, I became the youngest general during the Asian conquest. I would prefer to continue leading the front line battles but my respected superiors wanted my smarts to anchor and rule the occupied territories. Weeding out local dissidence and ensuring stable supplies to the front lines became my priority.
    Day 1 Thirsty
    Major Tonkatsu, my officer assistant, came into my office in occupied Shanghai. 'General Tanaka, our troops caught a local girl trying to steal food supplies. She is an orphan hiding in the French Catholic Church. Our officers did not behead her because she is very pretty, shapely and likely a virgin. So I sent her to the nearest Comfort House, Miss Yamaha has confirmed her virginity, now ready for your enjoyment anytime.' 'Good news! I am really bored with the lack of progress in catching the underground spies. I will go this afternoon instead of tonight.'
    I walked into the 2nd last room in the long hallway of the largest Comfort House in Shanghai. This room was restricted for my personal use. A thin but very attractive naked young thing had her arms and legs tied against heavy posts to make her spread wide and totally immobile. Long black hair passed her arm pits, small firm perky breasts, smooth round ass, few shiny hair on her mound and shapely legs would draw any warrior's attention. Her nipples were pinkish rather than the darker nipples of most Asians. Somehow she resembled and ...
    ... actually reminded me of my beautiful wife back home. The most striking was her large brown eyes, looking scared at my uniform when she heard my boots stepping into the room.
    I fondled both her soft perky tits, just a handful (full A cup). She started sobbing. 'Please don't, I beg you!' I had been in China long enough to understand simple sentences. But this phase we heard too often everyday from the captures and locals. I hated that. Suddenly I got a brilliant idea and walked into the end room.
    My 32 years old Japanese Chief House Keeper Miss Yuko Yamaha was putting on her makeup. She turned around when she saw me in the mirror. She studied Chinese and other foreign languages. She came to China almost 10 years ago as a teacher but actually collected intelligence from local government and embassy staff from various countries. After the Imperial Army occupied Shanghai, her officer rank was formally re-established. With her language skills, she managed all the Comfort Houses in the Shanghai area and performed interpretations for me as needed. Miss Yamaha smiled and bowed 'General Tanaka, do you like your new virgin?'
    'She is attractive but I am really tired of all the crying, begging and screaming every time. I missed my beautiful loving wife back home in Osaka. I want this girl to be my substitute here. You must convince and convert her so she can give me real comfort. Treat her gently and feed her well. She is too thin and weak. I give you three days. You will get a reward ...