1. Rebound girl

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Erotica Group Sex Incest Latina, Male / Female Teens, Older Male / Female, Young Author: Eccho, Source: sexstories.com

    ... problem with that?”
    “I told you I’m not in the mood right now, dickhead. Get the fuck out.”
    “Aww, someone’s a bit grumpy. Baby’s grumpy, huh? Well, I’ve got your pacifier right here.”
    “I’m serious! Leave!”
    He gets closer to her, pinning her to the wall, bringing his finger to her chin and his other hand to the midriff of her jersey, rubbing her toned stomach, saying,
    “Come on, baby girl, don’t be like that. Let Uncle Zachary make it all be-”
    She aggressively turns her head before slapping his hands away, saying,
    “What part of ‘I’m not in the mood’ just isn’t clicking in that retarded skull of yours? I’m not doing anything with you right now. I’m not getting in your car. I’m not going to your house. I just wanna ride with my friend and get this stupid fucking game out of my head. You wanna fuck so bad? Then, just go fuck yourself!”
    She bumps into his shoulder before storming off, leaving him dumbfounded. Unbeknownst to him, there are three girls not far from him that saw the whole thing.
    “Doesn’t seem like Romeo’s having a good night,” Rina says in a sarcastic tone,
    “Not at all,” Lola adds with equal sarcasm, “I mean, how could Ari be so heartless, depriving daddy of his needs like that?”
    “Wait, I thought his name was Zachary,” Josie says, to which the other two ignore,
    “You know what would mend his broken little heart, right?” Rina says,
    “Of course,” Lola replies, “A few moments with your perfect body will make him forget that skank in ...
    ... an instant.”
    “Then, let’s play a bit of Juliet, shall we?”
    “Wait, I’m confused,” Josie says, “Are we getting someone named Juliet or-”
    Lola interrupts her thought by giving her a shove as Rina walks over to Zachary. She giggles, grabbing his attention before saying,
    “That wasn’t very nice.”
    “Eh, she’ll get over it,” he replies, “It’s only a matter of time before she comes to her senses.”
    “Well, you’re not wrong there. I mean, I don’t know how she could ever even say ‘no’ to you. If I were her, I’d take any and every opportunity to give you what you need. Daddy.”
    Her words are music to Zachary’s ears. His mind immediately melts. Rina giggles at the effect she’s having on him, swaying her hips and saying,
    “Something tells me you’d like that.”
    “You could say that,” Zachary replies,
    “Well, I’m not like mean old Ari. Whatever my daddy tells me to do, I’ll do it better than he thought I ever could.”
    “Huh. That right?”
    “You saw me playing, didn’t you? That should tell you that I’m an overachiever at anything I do. But if you need more convincing, my house is gonna be empty for another 3 hours. So while my dad’s gone so he can take care of me, I can show you how well I can take care of my daddy. If you’re up for it.”
    It’s taking everything within Zachary to not just take her right here and now. Her voice and words are turning him on so much.
    “Well, I couldn’t just let you walk home. What kind of daddy would I be? And what about ...