1. Step Mother

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byAtomica24, Source: Literotica

    ... you were driving."
    "Well I am, but I can sleep on your settee and go home in the morning. The weather out there is horrible, I would rather drive home in daylight."
    "Okay, but we do have a guest bed made up, as you know you can have that. Côtes de Rhone okay?" I asked. I didn't want to waste a good wine when we were having Chinese which would corrupt our palates.
    I went a grabbed a bottle and unscrewed the top. No corkscrew needed for the cheaper wine. I went back with two glasses and the wine. After pouring two rather large glasses of wine I handed one to Sarah and put the other on the side table, leant forward and grabbed my bowl of Chinese and sat down next to Sarah.
    Inevitably we were a little crushed together, Jessie and mine's sofa is not the largest, but we managed without clashing elbows. Jessie and I liked the sofa as it pretty much ensured a cuddle every time we sat down.
    The Chinese was good and we had probably eaten about half before any conversation started. "It was so sweet hearing you and Jessie on the phone."
    "Oh, okay Sarah, thanks I think. I had not realised that you were there listening."
    "Be honest, you had forgotten I was even here."
    "God no Sarah, I could never do that." Well, of course, I had forgotten she was here. In fact I wasn't entirely sure I knew why she had come over. "Just popping to say hello' she had said.
    "Yeah, sure, no one is ever interested in their step mum."
    Sarah is about twelve years older ...
    ... than me and still looks like she is in her mid-twenties. She dresses immaculately and keeps herself trim. She knows dad cheated on my mum with her, and she has told me in the past, that she has no intention of letting him play away from her in the same way.
    "Don't be bloody silly. If you weren't my mum etcetera"
    "If I weren't your mum you'd what?"
    "Look at you differently as the gorgeous beautiful woman you are rather than my mum."
    "Well, I am not your mum, I am your step mum," she said draining her wine glass, "and that makes a difference."
    I filled her glass which drained the bottle, "wait one'" I said as I went and retrieved and opened another bottle.
    "What difference? I have always treated you as my mum, I have never treated you badly have I?"
    "No, but you have never treated me as a woman, you know, as you do Jessie."
    I was quiet, the wine was having an effect on my brain and I couldn't be sure if she was teasing me or coming on to me.
    "Well, no, but, you are my mum, it wouldn't be right for me to think of you as a sexual person. It wouldn't be right for me to say the things to you that you heard me say to Jessie."
    'I have read that boys often fantasise about their mum, yet you never looked at me like that."
    "I didn't say that I didn't, I just said that it would wrong of me to think of you that way, and just because you never saw me looking like that, didn't mean I didn't."
    Sarah drained her wine, I topped her up and left my bowl on the ...