1. Miracle Worker

    Date: 6/25/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Cum Swallowing Extreme, Humiliation Incest Reluctance Teen Male/Teen Female Author: Krombomich, Source: sexstories.com

    ... wishing, among many other things, that the blowjob nurse had worn panties. When her nose pressed against her brother’s crotch, she learned that deep-throating the entire length of a giant cock was only the equivalent of showing up to the fight. She had everything to learn about satisfying men with her esophagus.
    If only to get the doctor to finally say ‘Well, you did your best’ and let her end this 15-minute nightmare that had felt like a lifetime in this blurry crotch world, Jesse
    do her best to stay conscious and follow the instructions from the girl now mounting her neck and using her ponytail like the handle of a plunger.
    Balls twitched in Jesse's cradling hands and the assistant somehow felt it too. She leaned against Jesse’s head, splitting her boobs like earmuffs, to keep the girl's nose deep in pubic flesh.
    Eyes wide open despite not seeing anything but her brother's pale skin, Jesse endured gallons of sticky semen erupting in thick squirts like someone projectile-vomiting directly into her stomach. She waited for the ropes to stop. Waited for the cock to soften. Waited for the doctor to admit malpractice. Waited for the nurse to get her boobs off her head. She had forgotten what she was doing all this for...
    “Mom...” A voice she barely recognized from the other side of the torso.
    “Jake! Oh, my sweet boy. My sweet boy is back.” The concerned mother had been holding her son’s hand for the entire duration of the son-daughter oral sex ...
    ... session.
    Jesse was relieved to hear her brother’s voice for more selfish reasons. Now that the nurse had accomplished her mission and was bouncing her almost bare ass on her way to suck some other giant comatose cock, she could finally...
    “Oh, no! What happened?! Jake! Talk to me, Baby! Jesse, what did you do!?” The grief-stricken mother pushed down on her daughter’s head to force her stretched lips to kiss the base and reanimate her fainted son again.
    “Mom...” Another miracle. “What happened? I don’t want to die again.”
    “Oh, thank God. Jesse, what were you thinking? Don't pull out until we understand what's happening.”
    The family all hugged in a tearful reunion. Jesse teared up more than anyone but perhaps because of the giant cock still in her throat.
    “I can’t live like this!” Jesse would have used less tasteful language but was communicating via pencil and notepad so conversation was slow enough without the extra words and her mother’s complaints. Even with bigger problems being shoved down her throat, she was extremely annoyed at the crumbs from a sloppily-eaten muffin falling on her bare chest.
    “I know it’s not perfect,” her mother said. “But it’s the solution we have for now. I have both my children with me and that’s all that counts.” The less-than-perfect solution had been to keep Jesse attached to her little brother's big cock via two connected harnesses. One for his crotch. One for her face. And, so that Jake could live a perfectly normal life, his sister ...