1. Babysitter's Lesson Pt. 2

    Date: 8/19/2015, Categories: Spanking, Author: US01236728, Source: LushStories

    A few weeks ago my wife, Jan, had to attend a conference which required her to be out of town for three nights. The kids are now in day care, so this was not a major inconvenience for me. However, on the last night, I had a dinner meeting with a large customer, so I did need to find a babysitter. The day she left, Jan told me that she had just run into Jenny at the grocery store, home on a break from school. She said, "I'm sure Jenny could probably watch the kids the night you need a sitter." I never had told Jan about the spanking I had given to Jenny, the last time she sat for us. I felt a little guilty about just how often I thought about that event, and I was quite apprehensive about calling Jenny. Though she had seemed to appreciate the spanking at the time, several months had passed, she was now a college freshman and I imagined she might have some regrets about that night, and may not even want to hear my voice. I tried to think of other options, but soon realized we did not know anyone we could trust a much as we do Jenny. Jan, of course, had no knowledge of the "help" I had given Jenny, so since she suggested I use her, I pretty much needed to make that phone call. I made myself dial Jenny's cell number. After several rings, it went to voice mail. Either she could not get to her phone in time, or she saw it was me and did not want to answer. I left a message, "Jenny, this is Mr. Mann, I hope you are doing well. I am in need of a babysitter tomorrow night and I ...
    ... understand you are home on a break. Please call me if you are available." I tried to sound as friendly and upbeat as possible, but worried that my nervousness may have come through in my voice. For the next hour I wondered if I would ever hear back from Jenny at all. If I did, what would she say to me? Does she think I'm an awful old man, or what? My phone rang, I looked anxiously at the number to see that it was indeed Jenny. My hand shook so hard I was fortunate just to hit the accept button. I took a deep breath to calm myself and said, "Hello Jenny." "Mr. Mann, I was so happy to see that you called, sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I've just come out of a movie. Do you still need a babysitter tomorrow?" "Yes, I sure do Jenny. I would need you to pick the kids up at day care by 5 PM, feed them and get them down for the night. I should be home by 11." "That sounds great to me, Mr. Mann, I'll take good care of the kids and look forward to seeing you, whenever you get home." What a relief, I hung up and took a deep breath. The call was uncomfortable for me to make, but Jenny sounded like she was truly happy to hear from me. The next day went along as expected. I had a good dinner meeting with our client, which ended early enough for me to get home by 10:30. Driving home, I again felt some nerves wondering how awkward my seeing Jenny might be. I just tried to remind myself of how friendly she sounded on the phone, but still, this would be just the two of us for the first ...