Tentacular Dentistry
Date: 6/24/2024, Categories: Diary , Ass to mouth Coercion Cum Swallowing Extreme, Monster, Author: Krombomich
I’m so mad right now. My friend complained she had a dentist appointment next week, and laughed politely when I asked: “Don’t you go to the dentist twice a day?” like I had intentionally confused going to the dentist with brushing your teeth for comedic effect. My parents never had money for stuff like that so I was a bit out of my depth. When I was old enough to pay for my own dentist, I went with the small clinic of Dr. Tentacle because it was by far the most affordable option. I thought going twice daily meant really getting my money’s worth. The conversation was about to move on without an answer to my question so I threw my hands out and yelled “Hold up! How often do people usually go to the dentist?!” 6 months is recommended... Once a year is what most people settle for... I was shaking. Then I learned she doesn’t get naked there. Her dentist interacts with her teeth through her mouth . She rinses with water. Water ! She even gets to spit the water. Not a fan of the pointy hooks and buzzing drills though, so at least my dentist has that over normal human ones. But I’ve been going there for over two years; I should have been given a brochure about my options at some point! I went to my evening appointment a couple of hours later, mulling over how I was going to amicably end this toxic relationship with my dentist. I get that it’s not easy living amongst frail mortal beings capable of feeling pain when you’re ...
... from a hellish plane of existence where outdated traditions see females of all sentient species as tentacle cozies, but, at the same time, I feel like monsters working in healthcare with women patients could stand to make a few compromises. That doesn’t make me a monstrophobe, right? The human male receptionist greeted the new arrival then watched me take off clothes by the entrance closet. I didn’t want to make a scene and point out that I learned other clinics only make you take your shoes off, but that’s like yelling at the retail store employee who refuses a refund. It’s not his policy, no matter how much he seems to enjoy watching naked young women struggling to contain their chests in an overflowing arm bra while keeping a hand over their hairless vulva. “Make yourself comfortable,” he said to my naked ass with a big warm smile (and a big warm sweater) as I took a seat in the single cheap plastic chair right in front of his desk, careful never to spread my thighs more than an inch or make my squished breasts jiggle too much. I smiled back as if being comfortable was an option. They keep the waiting room so damn cold that comfort radiates out from your body until you’re just a quivering lump of goosebumps with diamond nipples. It almost makes you look forward to Doctor Tentacle’s warm appendages rubbing against your organs. Wait... Is that why he puts the AC on full blast? I’m questioning everything now. So I spent the next few minutes shivering while ...