1. The Family BBC - Chapter 5

    Date: 6/23/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Black, Cheating Cuckold, Interracial, Male Domination, Non-consensual sex Reluctance Written by women Author: DiscipleN, Source: sexstories.com

    ... store and get ice cream. You mom will be home soon.
    "What flavor, Daddy?" That was Peg's limited ability to suck up to her father.
    "I want Rocky Road!" Ridley shouted.
    I closed the door when feet thudded closer. He gave them each ten dollars. "Get two pints and keep the change."
    Our young teens dashed to the front. I stepped inside after hearing that door slam shut. I hung my head and started crying.
    "Come on, Leen." George came over and hugged me gently. "The one thing I can understand is how awful this is for you."
    "If you only knew-"
    "My imagination is bad enough."
    He helped me to our private bathroom and sat on our bed while I washed my face. He said, "I didn't hear the car."
    "I left it down the street." I turned to him from the sink's mirror, but he was already heading out of our bedroom. He moved the car to our driveway and returned.
    I was in the bath, soaking my burning behind in hot water and plenty of bubble-bath. I didn't dare let him see my deep bruises.
    "Can I come in?"
    "Please, Honey. I don't deserve your forgiveness." I tried to joke. "Until maybe tomorrow."
    He shook his head and frowned. "What can I do?"
    "Stop thinking about me." I elaborated. "I don't mean stop caring. I would die if I lost your affection. I literally mean, don't think about me during the times I'm gone. That would eat up your insides. Two personalities, remember?"
    "I'll try." He sighed. "H-how long until-" His voice trailed off.
    "Until the next ...
    ... time?" I shook my head. "I don't know, but it'll probably be soon. I think he wants to prove something."
    My husband clenched his lips tight, draining the blood from them. "Do you want me to sleep on the couch tonight?"
    "For the gods sakes!" I burst angrily! "I'm the one who should sleep on the couch! I've wronged you horribly."
    "I feel numb, Colleen." His hands trembled at his sides.
    "Give me a second alone." I asked.
    Nodding, he shut our bathroom door between us. I got out of the tub and tied a towel around my hips, flinching from the pressure of fluffy terrycloth on my asscheeks. I opened the door and went to him, hugging my husband with my soapy tits and arms. "Feel me, please. I'm back, and I'm yours."
    George tenuously returned my embrace, slower than he had when he met me at the kitchen door.
    "Mom doesn't like marshmallows!" Peg accused from the living room.
    "Sure she does!" Ridley argued. "Everybody likes marshmallows."
    Soon there was a knock. "We got ice cream!" Our son announced. "Peg got boring old strawberry."
    "Strawberry's good for you! Healthier than Rocky Road. Actual road probably tastes better."
    "Mooom!" They must have seen my car in the driveway.
    "Ignore them." I whispered.
    He told them, "Fix yourselves some. Your mother and I need our sleep."
    "Oooo-lala!" Peg sang. They went away and argued in the kitchen while scooping ice cream.
    I grabbed my pajamas and dried myself off in the bathroom with the door shut again. ...