Teacher's Pet Ch 20
Date: 6/23/2024,
Body modification,
Bondage and restriction
Male/Teen Female
Author: DavidHog
DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18.
DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously.
DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style. Again keep in mind that this is a work of fantasy and not everything will be fully realistic.
Links to the latest chapters that are not displaying on my stories list
Ch: 15: www.sexstories.com/story/106751/
Ch: 16: www.sexstories.com/story/106916/teacher_039_s_pet_ch_16
Ch: 17: www.sexstories.com/story/107461/
Ch: 18: www.sexstories.com/story/109500/
Ch: 19: www.sexstories.com/account/new#
Teacher's Pet Ch 20
Mr. Wilson led the young teen by the hand through Dr. Chalmer’s crowded waiting room. The scantily clad teen drew the usual attention from men, women and children in the waiting room. To her relief, he didn’t play any games this time, instead he led her hastily into Dr. Chalmer’s usual office.
Katee’s stomach dropped as she saw even more men in the room than last time. There was Dr. Chalmers (her Family doctor), Dr. Smith (the Endocrinologist who is ‘supervising’ ...
... her hormone treatment), and then a few other men that she didn't recognize.
She gulped as she recognized one, Justin, the medical student who Dr. Chalmers gave permission to rape her during his last 'teaching' session. Justin sneered at her as her eyes met his, before hungrily looking down at her cleavage.
A man came forward and shook Mr. Wilson’s hands, introducing himself as Dr. Allan. Katee learned that he was the most prominent plastic surgeon in the state, and specialized in breast modification surgeries.
There were two other young men, a German Fellow working with Dr. Smith, and a resident working with Dr. Allan.
They all took turns, introducing themselves and announcing themselves to Mr. Wilson, without saying a word for Katee. Katee knew at this point that she wasn’t a human to them, merely an object to be 'studied'.
Mr. Wilson stood aside as Dr. Chalmers came behind Katee and put his hands on her shoulders. He stroked his hands up and down her lithe waist as he explained to the group of men about her case.
Katee was so embarrassed, that she wasn’t even listening to what he was saying. He was saying something about hormone boosters, triple dose estrogen and progesterone blah blah and collagen stimulation injections.
She nervously looked around, the young doctors were feverishly taking notes, while the prominent Plastic surgeon looked on sternly.
Katee would get snapped back into reality when she felt Dr. Chalmers squeeze her ass through the thin ...