1. Family Secrets 2: The son

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Gay School Spanking, Teen Author: Kinkydesires, Source: sexstories.com

    ... still covering his gently subsiding erection.
    Mr Brown wondered if he had gone too far, he was getting increasingly aroused, he wanted this boy, he wanted to do a lot to Tommy but he could lose his job if Tommy was not interested, he strongly suspected that Tommy was curious enough to explore a little sexual fun with him but if he was wrong it would be a disaster.
    He looked again at Tommy's lovely little body, the way he stood there shyly covering his cock was very arousing.
    "Well?" MR Brown spoke again
    "....errr.... I don't wanna do lines Sir ..." Tommy replied, not looking at Mr Brown.
    Mr Brown gulped. He walked over to the locker room door and locked it.
    He walked over to Tommy's bag to get one his plimsoles to use as a slipper. In the top of Tommy's bag he could see to his surprise a pair of girls swimming costume.
    "Tommy ...." Mr Brown said softly staring at the girls costume.
    "Y..yess sir .." Tommy said, he still hadn't moved from his spot.
    "You weren't planning to wear this for todays lesson I am guessing were you?!" Mr Brown chuckled as he pulled out the girls costume.
    Tommy Looked shocked, he instantly turned red again.
    "....Um, I must've picked it up by mistake ..." Tommy lied.
    Mr Brown teasingly held it out against Tommy's body
    "Was it for more naughty pictures?" Mr Brown asked croakily, he couldn't take much more of this, he wanted to grab and ravish Tommy now.
    "...Yo.. you... err... please Sir, don't tell ....."
    "I ...
    ... should tell your parents about this really" Mr Brown said shaking his head slowly.
    "I should make sure your daddy spank you for how naughty you've been ...."
    "Please... no ... I will take the slipper, please don't tell ...." Tommy sounded down and dejected as he looked at Mr Brown holding the costume.
    "Ok Tommy .... I will be your daddy and spank you and we can both not tell anyone .... ok?" Mr Brown said, sounding slightly shaky.
    "..Yes Sir ...."
    "Good boy, but I want you to call me daddy for the rest of this punishment ok?"
    "... Y..Yes.. Daddy..." Tommy said feeling excitement once again, Tommy felt the tip of his cock getting wet.
    "But first, go put this on, you may as well try it out now if you are to be punished for wearing it later."
    Tommy blinked at his temporary daddy in surprise.
    Mr Brown handed it to him.
    "Change here, now, I wont look."
    Tommy reluctantly took the costume. Mr Brown turned round.
    Tommy's heart thumped, he untied the cord on his trunks and let them fall to the floor praying that daddy would not turn around, then Tommy felt increased arousal, he was now totally naked standing behind daddy, his cock sprang fully up and hard, bobbing about as he stood for a few seconds enjoying the thrill of being naked in front of his teacher.
    Then Tommy began to put on the girls costume.
    Mr Brown was desperate to turn around and look upon Tommy's naked body but he felt that a step too far so he stood torturously facing the other ...