1. Family Secrets 2: The son

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Gay School Spanking, Teen Author: Kinkydesires, Source: sexstories.com

    ... had changed and the rest were in the process when Tommy realised he had left his swimming trunks at home.
    "Dammit ..." He muttered to himself rifling through his bag.
    "Tommy, why haven't you changed yet?" Mr Browns voice caught Tommy off guard. Tommy looked up and made eye contact, the thoughts of last week came rushing back but he tried to forget them. Mr Brown didn't appear to be treating any different than before.
    "...err..." Tommy mumbled feeling his cheeks redden a little.
    "I forgot my kit" Tommy stated
    Mr Brown looked flatly at Tommy for a few seconds.
    "Ok, I will get the key for lost property, just wait here for now, if we haven't got anything to fit then you will have to do some sports writing."
    Tommy looked disheartened
    "Yes sir ..."
    Five minutes later Tommy was alone in the locker room, Mr Brown entered with the key and unlocked the back room with the forgotten and left kits.
    "In you go then, see what you can find that fits."
    Tommy went to pass Mr Brown, Mr Brown didn't move out the way.
    "If there's anything that fits .... nicely... you can have it as it will only go in the bin." MR Brown said quietly with a smile and a light touch on his back.
    Tommy shivered at the touch.
    "Thank you sir..." Tommy smiled and went into the room.
    There were various boxes of clothing and Tommy began to delve into them. He pulled out a few pairs of trunks his size quite quickly. He also saw a box right at the front for girls.
    Tommy felt ...
    ... wicked, he remembered the teacher saying he could have anything.
    Tommy pulled out a couple of pairs of girls swimming costumes and held them up. They looked like they would fit him. He quickly put them in his bag. After that he changed into his newly found slightly too large swimming trunks and left the changing room.
    Mr Brown was still there waiting, Tommy expected him to be at the poolside by now with the other swimming teachers.
    Tommy momentarily froze, suddenly he felt a different kind of feeling standing in front of his teacher who had seen his pictures and now could be seen with only swimming trunks on.
    "Those fit nicely, a little baggy though, too baggy and they may slide off when swimming Tommy!" Mr Brown smiled at Tommy.
    Tommy smiled, he felt more or less naked now which he had never felt in swimming trunks but Tommy was sure he saw Mr Brown glance at more than just his face.
    Tommy was having all kinds of exciting feelings and thoughts running through him.
    Tommy held the waistband of his trunks and pulled the band outstretched in front of his body leaving a significant gap between his trunks and his pelvis.
    "I suppose they are a bit loose" Tommy said awkwardly blushing.
    Mr Brown stared seriously at Tommy pulling his trunks out in front of him, Mr Brown could see his pubic mound, and from what he could tell Tommy was shaved.
    He swallowed hard.
    For the first time, Mr Brown allowed himself a good long look at Tommy, he was still mostly ...