1. Sharing a Bed With My Sister...

    Date: 6/19/2024, Categories: Fiction Boy, First Time Incest Male/Female Teen Young Author: alaiseq

    During the summer, my relatives visited. My auntie and uncle on my mother's side, and my grandparents on my dad's side. Our home was full, with myself, my sister, and my folks previously filling our three room home prior to taking in additional individuals. It wasn't a problem because I enjoyed having relatives visit, but it did mean that my sister had to share my room for a week.
    As I soon discovered, that would be extremely beneficial. I'm eighteen, and my sister, Stacy, isn't exactly a year more established than me. My mother got pregnant with me very quickly after she was conceived. People mistake us for twins because of how close we are. We get along lovely well, albeit sharing a room would have been a change.
    After we had a major supper, everybody went to their rooms. My parents slept on the fold-out sofa in the living room while my aunt and uncle slept in my sister's room, which was slightly larger than mine. My grandparents took my parents' room. After using the restroom, I waited in my room for Stacy. She quickly entered and shut the door.
    At the point when I saw her in her robe, I understood what an extraordinary body she had. I surmise I never focused on her, yet she was extremely appealing. I wasn't ready for the contemplations I was having. I had to shift to avoid tenting my boxers because that caused my loins to stir.
    She sort of grinned at me, somewhat awkward most likely. I was as well, however I got under the covers and slid over to the furthest ...
    ... extent that I would be able. She anxiously entered next to me after turning off the light. She confronted away from me, making her butt brush against me briefly. I was unable to prevent myself from getting hard, despite the fact that I would have rather not.
    I needed to confront away from her so I wasn't jabbing her.
    "You don't need to turn over," she expressed, looking back at me. " I don't care either way if you face me."
    "I'm… uh, simply settling in," I replied.
    For the following couple of minutes, I attempted to contemplate something different other than my sister close to me, however my erection wouldn't go down. Ordinarily I didn't get hard pondering my sister, which isn't to say I've never fantasized regarding her. However, I gave myself permission to think about her whenever I felt the need to.
    She turned over and confronted me, and saw that I was all the while confronting away from her.
    "Is it a source of embarrassment for you to be with me?" she inquired.
    I turned only my head, not my entire body. Obviously not."
    "Then turn over. With your back to me, I can't talk to you.
    At this point our eyes had changed in accordance with the dim, so she would see my hard dick assuming I turned over. However, what might I at some point say?
    "I… can't," I answered moronically.
    "What difference would it make?"
    I moaned. " Because, you know, when I get comfortable, like in bed, I get comfortable."
    She was smiling, I could hear.
    "Really?" She ...