1. Memphis gets a maid... and more!

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: True Story Anal Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Erotica Masturbation Oral Sex Romance Voyeurism Water Sports/Pissing, Author: MemphisMight, Source: sexstories.com

    ... I scoop up more, as the squirting starts to fade. Again, she's waiting, head back, mouth open, lusting to drink it from my hand. Afterwards she grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me towards her.
    Her orgasms that were shooting off one after another, are subsiding into little aftershock shaking. As our lips meet, I gently glide my fingers into her and then caress her outer lips. Softly her tongue invades my mouth and I suck her essence off of it. We separate, just enough, so we can both catch our breath. My fingertips are trailing up and down her beautiful body. She is an absolute gorgeous mess right now, but so fuckin beautiful.
    She sits up laughing and looks around straightening her clothes, "So, do you think we gave anyone a show?" I said, "I don't think so. It was hard, but periodically I'd look around and I never saw anyone or saw any curtains moving. I actually think we're safe!" She said, "speaking of hard (as she reaches down grabbing my cock) I bet you could punch through a brick wall with this thing! We're gonna have to take care of this, but, I'm going to clean up first. Then you can tell me about this girl you met."
    She stood up and winked at me, gave me a peck on my lips and another on my cheek. I felt her breath on my ear as she leaned in closer, her tits falling back out of her flimsy shirt as she whispered (squeezing my cock), "and then, then you're going to take this cock and you're going to fuck me in the ass!" And with one last squeeze to my ...
    ... rock solid hard-on and one last kiss to my cheek, she stood up and headed into the house.
    Looking back with a huge smile she asked, "baby would you mind cleaning this up while I go change my clothes and freshen up?" I told her, "as long as you put something sexy on, of course I will my Love!" She smiled and said, "how about my blue butterfly dress and blue heart princess plug? She dropped her shorts and pulled her shirt off. Standing naked in the living room she said, "Is that sexy enough for you love?" I smiled back and eagerly said, "I am getting towels to clean this up right now!!" We both chuckled and went about, cleaning up.
    Walking around my sister's house getting towels, with a massive hard-on was interesting. I was grateful her and her grandkids had gone out. I heard my wife hop in for a quick shower. That made me a little sad, knowing she was washing away her essence. I was hoping to smell that on her while I told her about Mags.
    But then I started thinking about shoving my tongue up that fresh asshole of hers before sliding my cock in, and that sadness quickly faded away. "Shit, Mags!" I actually said out loud. Then thought to myself, 'I wonder if she's thinking we blew her off and nothing was going to happen? Shit, the video! I hope I didn't fuck it up and accidentally stop it, while all that was going on! Man that would piss me off. But that sure was an amazing session.'
    "Hey baby! You about done there?" I heard come from the inside. "Can I bring you ...