1. Tinder Tranny Hook Up

    Date: 6/17/2024, Categories: True Story Anal Blowjob Consensual Sex First Time Mature Teen Transgendered, Transsexual, Transvestite, Young Author: markerss, Source: sexstories.com

    ... got up and said, “I think I’m gonna get going.”
    Leaning up, I thought about asking her to stay, but also I wanted her to leave, and continuing to be embarrassed I told her, “Okay,.”
    We both got off the bed, and as I quickly went into the bathroom to clean up a little, I thought I should really try to keep in touch with her. However, when I came out, Bunny had already gotten dressed, and so I too grabbed some clothes off the floor and got dressed.
    Moving over to where she was sitting, I gave her a kiss, and after holding each other for a moment, we headed to the front door. We continued to hold hands for a moment and then as we looked at each other, Bunny politely said, “That was really nice.”
    I know she was just saying it, but I hoped she meant it, because in away, I actually did like it, and I kind of wanted to do it again. Yea, I still kind of worried if I might get a disease, but I never did, and even though I was able to contact her, we haven’t as of yet been able to hook up again.