Farewell Lunch Chapter 1 & 2
Date: 6/15/2024,
True Story
Author: strywriter
... delightful sensation of being a woman! She made several little sounds that may have given her away if the music hadn’t been so loud and everyone else wasn’t so preoccupied with their own games.
She reached under the table and held his hand still so she didn’t go into a bigger orgasm and looked him in the eye and mouth the words, “stop or I may scream!”
He kept his hand still and began laying every line he could think of on her and she was beginning to succumb to his advances. Mark noticed her drink was empty and asked if she wanted another.
“No, no more for me, I won’t be able to drive as it is; I need to sober up before I head home.”
“Ok, do you want go sit in the car where we can talk, he said smiling.”
“Why, asked Diana with a shy smile, what do you have to tell me that you haven’t already told me?”
“He said well it would be quieter and more private and we could talk about the way you tease but never finish the job.”
“Oh, is that what I do, she responded?”
“Yeah, it is, and to be truthful, you tease and then run away, see, he said as he placed her hand back on his rock-hard cock.” “Plus, I can show you just how much you tease.”
“Really, Diana asked, let’s see; hmm, it does feel pretty hard, why is that?”
Mark had his hand under her dress still so he just tickled her pussy a little and said, “because of this.”
“Oh,” Diana said stifling a groan. She was trying not to show too much emotion when he hit her clit. “Oh God,” she moaned ...
... softly.
“Ok, why would I want to see your hard thing, she asked?”
He leaned over and whispered, “its, eight inches long and very thick.”
“Yeah, really!”
“Ok, this I have to see it then, and that will keep me from drinking anymore, she giggled.”
“Good, you won’t be disappointed.”
“Hmm, we’ll see,” she said and after a restroom break, they headed out to her car.
She had a four door Oldsmobile and when she unlocked it Mark said, “it may be more private in the backseat.” Diana thought, why not, one thing every girl of her era learned at the drive-in movies was that there was more room in the backseat without the steering wheel.
They climbed in the back and settled into the seat and Mark said, “where were we,” as he placed his right hand under her skirt and went for her pussy while leaning over her and kissing her on the lips. Just like high school, she thought, making out in the backseat of a car while the guy tried to feel you up. Oh well, it was good then it probably would be now also. Besides what other option was there? She was horny as hell and wanted to cum but she didn’t want to go to a motel and fuck him so this was better than coming at the table inside where everyone was able to watch. She leaned back a little and pulled her skirt up high over her butt so she could spread her legs wider and he would have better access to finger fuck her.
After a wild tongue fight and another orgasm, which went into a third orgasm almost nonstop she was ...