1. Bad Seed 10

    Date: 6/11/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Alien, Mind Control, Violence Author: pars001, Source: sexstories.com

    ... getting low, Master Wren, we will need to replenish if we are to continue," Trigon said. "I am also detecting what appears to be a rather large fleet surrounding the planet. It also appears that they are attempting to evacuate the planet."
    "Trans - warp now! We can't allow any of them to escape justice," Wren yelled.
    The ship jumped into the spatial rift that appeared in front of them.
    "I want stealth as soon as we emerge," Wren said. Five minutes later, they emerged near a blue grey world. "Open fire on the fleet, get as close as you can, then destroy the ships trying to lift."
    At first, it was an absolute slaughter. No less than a hundred ships were lost in the first minute. A minute later, ten ships on the surface exploded.
    Wren was closing in to wreck more havoc, when a ship actually hit her ship with an energy weapon. This, of course, caused the stealth to start to flicker.
    Angered even more, Wren felt the power within her, and her temperature rise rapidly. Shit! She thought, looking away from the view screen, she didn't see most of the ships in front of her shatter like China.
    To make matters worse, her brother's ship appeared a moment later, firing at her. Trying to remain calm, Wren slapped half of the thermic missile launchers.
    "Get us out of here!" Wren shouted as her shields dropped to ninety percent.
    A rift opened in front of the ship as it slipped into it. The only problem was their ship exited a mere two minutes later. "How far did we get?" Wren asked.
    "Two hours by hyper - space. I am afraid it will take four hours for me to repair the trans - warp. Plus, their ships are faster in hyper - space than us," Trigon said.
    "Go to hyper - space. Hopefully it will gain us some time," Wren said as she dragged out her toolbox.