1. Peter, Paul and Mary

    Date: 6/9/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byAtomica24, Source: Literotica

    ... anything, I looked out of the ensuite but nothing there. Odd. Oh well.
    I put my pale blue chemise on, silky and a bit too sheer to be worn on its own with a teenage son in the house, and added my silk robe over the top. Knees down, visible, knees up, covered, and went down to do breakfast.
    Paul was drinking tea and had some toast and marmalade in front of him. "Did you do me anything?" I asked.
    "Tea is in the pot, toast on the side if you want it." His eyes were on his tablet, presumably looking at today's news. The news was always the same these days, a war here, a terrorist attack there. I just didn't bother with it.
    "Thank you, sweetheart," I said and popped a kiss onto his forehead. He gripped my arm and gave it a squeeze and then went back to his tablet. I sat at the Island and poured a tea and buttered a piece of toast. As I munched on my toast, I wondered again about Paul. He really didn't seem interested these days. I was still in good shape, no excess weight, boobs slightly saggy, no wrinkles or grey hairs that I knew of. We didn't fall out or have arguments. He held my hand when we went out, he just simply showed no interest in me sexually.
    "Are we alright baby?" I asked
    "What do you mean?"
    "Last night, you rejected me again."
    "I love you baby, I just don't have those needs anymore."
    "Well I do."
    "You do what mum?" Peter asked as he came into the kitchen, hair all over the place, dark stubble on his face, his pyjama bottoms barely held ...
    ... in place. God he looked a mess in the mornings.
    "Oh nothing darling. What do you want for breakfast? Dad made some tea, and there is a piece of toast if you want it."
    "Oh, er, can I have some bacon and egg mum?"
    "Of course you can sweetie." I put the last of my toast in my mouth and washed it down with some tea. I got up and opened the fridge taking out the bacon.
    "This is the last of the bacon Paul, we will need to go to the farm shop."
    "Okay, we can go after breakfast if you want, then I need to go into the office later."
    "Okay yes," I answered. The frying pan was hot and I put the last two rashers of middle bacon into the pan, there was a nice sounding sizzle and the aroma of cooking bacon started to fill the kitchen. I took two eggs from the egg stand and started shaking them to get the yolks properly in the middle.
    I turned the bacon and cracked the eggs into the pan. "Is that one piece of toast enough darling?" I asked Peter.
    "Yes mum."
    I put the toast on a plate and then returned to the frying pan. I spooned hot fat over the eggs to properly set them and then served them on to the toast with the bacon.
    Peter broke the yolks and let it run over his bacon. His preference was a bit of toast, a cut of bacon and a smear of yolk. We all ate the same things in different ways I suppose.
    "I could go to the farm shop with you mum if dad doesn't want to." Peter said. I wished he wouldn't speak with his mouth full.
    "Okay son, yes that would help ...