1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... already he could feel his cum rising in him. Just before he exploded he pulled his cock out of her pussy and pushed it up against her arsehole, pressing up against it. He could feel her crease tightening around him as his cock spurted, pulsing against her back hole, seeing the water wash it away almost immediately.
    He finished cumming and Fiona turned to face him, pulling him in for a hug. "That felt nice, perhaps we can take the idea further sometime soon."
    They turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, drying themselves on the big white fluffy towels, then wrapping themselves in them, went back into the bedroom. There was a knock on the door and Fliss stuck her head in, "Sorry, just wanted to say we're outside on the patio when you're ready." Fiona acknowledged her and they dressed quickly, Matt putting on shorts and a polo shirt, Fiona a sun dress with no bra, but a pair of panties much to Matt's disappointment.
    Miguel and Fliss were sitting out on the patio sipping Cava, which they offered to Matt and Fiona. Matt would have preferred a beer, but decided to be polite and accepted. It was very pleasant and he found it slipping down very well. "I must apologise," started Miguel, "but it seems that I have to go to Madrid for a day or so, and I won't be around for all of your visit. I've got an early flight tomorrow, so this evening will be my last for a while." They reassured him that they understood, but it was obvious that he felt embarrassed. "Let's ...
    ... all go out to dinner tonight, my treat as a peace offering."
    Matt tried to protest but he would not have it, and so a bit later they all set out, walking the short distance to a local restaurant. Miguel and Fliss were clearly well known there, being greeted like returning family and having introduced Matt and Fiona they all sat down to a delightful meal with plenty of local wine. Over Matt's protests, Miguel insisted on paying and they all wandered back to the villa, both couples arm in arm. Matt's hand kept creeping up around Fiona's waist, brushing on the side of her breast, but she made no move to stop him.
    Back at the villa, Fliss suggested a nightcap, Miguel declined, but the others all chose a brandy and sat round on the patio in the warm evening finishing off the day. It seemed a long way from dull England and both Matt and Fiona found themselves relaxing completely.
    "I'm sorry," apologised Miguel, "but as I said I have an early flight and need to get some sleep. I'll be gone by the time you get up in the morning so I'll bid you farewell now, and will hopefully see you when I get back." With that he took his leave. Fliss looked a bit awkward.
    "Go on, Fliss," encouraged Fiona, "don't stay up on our behalf, we'll just finish these and turn in ourselves. Go and join your husband." Fliss looked relieved and stood, hugging and kissing them both goodnight.
    "This really is lovely isn't it?" commented Fiona, as they sat under a spangled sky, the stars shining ...