1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... were soon boarding. Typically it was a dull, overcast, drizzly day in England, but once airborne they broke through the clouds and were in brilliant sunshine. Fliss was picking them up and so they were able to have a couple of drinks and the 3 hour flight passed relatively quickly, and they were soon touching down under a cloudless blue sky.
    Immigration and baggage reclaim were relatively painless and they emerged into the Arrivals Hall, searching among the sea of faces for Fliss. They spotted an excited figure jumping up and down waving her arms and Fiona ran over to her, the two sisters embracing in a tight hug as Matt stood back. They were very similar in size, Fliss having a darker complexion from the sun, but there was no mistaking them as sisters.
    They released each other and Fliss hugged Matt tightly, he could feel her breasts squashing against his chest as she pulled him into her. "Come on, the car's not far," said Fliss as she led them towards the car park, both women chattering away excitedly as Matt dragged the suitcases along. They stopped at a white convertible E class Mercedes and loaded the cases in the back, Matt got in the back to allow the two women to natter, and they were soon bowling west along the motorway towards Mijas. Matt sat back and relaxed, seeing the spectacular hills, and when they finally turned off the motorway and headed up into the hills the views were truly wonderful.
    They pulled up outside a walled property with some large metal ...
    ... gates which opened automatically and they drove inside. Both Matt and Fiona were blown away by the magnificent villa inside, glistening white in the bright sun with a terracotta roof. They got out of the car and they could see the Mediterranean in the distance sparkling in the sunlight.
    "Welcome to our new home," said Fliss, her arm sweeping round, "Please treat it as your own, 'mi casa es tu casa', as they say round here. Let me show you round." They went in a huge wooden door into an open hallway with stairs and a balcony, then through into the lounge which opened out onto a wide patio complete with swimming pool, all overlooking the conurbation down at sea level, then the sea itself.
    "Someone's doing all right," whispered Matt to Fiona in a parody of the TV ad, she shushed him but privately couldn't help but agree.
    At that moment Miguel appeared from a side room, "Fiona, Matt, lovely to see you again. I trust your journey was pleasant?" He went over to them and embraced them both. He looked well, Matt thought, tall and tanned with a good head of dark hair. "I'm sorry I couldn't be at the airport to meet you, but I'm in the middle of something a bit complex, so if I appear distracted at times please forgive me." As ever Matt was amazed at his grasp of English, which he spoke with barely an accent, about all Matt could manage in Spanish was to ask for a beer!
    "Why don't you two go and freshen up and then we'll sit outside and have a drink," suggested Fliss. Matt ...