1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... length disappeared, then re-appear as he began to pump in and out of her. Fliss dragged his attention back to her, grabbing his head and mashing her lips to his, her tongue invading, seeking his as her body ground against him, thrusting herself down on him.
    His hands found her buttocks and cupped them, his fingers running over her arsehole down to her pussy, feeling her lips tight round his cock, the back up again, up her back, round to her breasts. The man on the bed had flipped the woman over now and was ramming his cock into her from behind, her arse in the air as she licked at the pussy of the other woman. Matt's mind wondered who would come first out of them all. He knew his arousal was growing rapidly, the sight and thought of what he and Fiona were doing with Miguel and Fliss, combined with the whole atmosphere around them almost too much.
    On the other sofa Fiona had her hand on her clit, frantically rubbing at it as she screwed her face up in a look of sheer concentration. Suddenly her body was convulsing as she cried out, "Fuuuck, I'm cumming, Fill me up Miguel, fill my cunt up." Miguel threw back his head and pumped hard into her and Matt could see him juddering as he came, spunk seeping out of the sides of Fiona's stretched pussy lips. It was too much for him and he too erupted, feeling his cock pump powerful jets into Fliss, her pussy contracting round him as she threw her head back and howled, then rolled away from him.
    Suddenly they were all still, ...
    ... only the man on the bed still pumping away. Miguel stood and pulled Fiona up, leading her over to Matt's sofa. He settled her down next to Matt, and sat down himself next to his wife, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Te amo mi amor," he whispered to her.
    Matt pulled Fiona against him, his hand caressing her breast as she placed an arm across his chest, her face nestling in to his neck. His hand slid down over her stomach and between her legs, his fingers finding her pussy, stroking her lips, feeling another man's cum seep from her, yet without resentment or jealousy. He looked over at Miguel and Fliss, found them looking back at him, a questioning look in their eyes. "Time to go?" asked Miguel. Matt nodded and stood up, helping Fiona to her feet. Together they left the private room, Miguel waving a hand in farewell to the members of his family still there. Just outside the room they encountered Maria, who looked at them, then reached out a hand to caress Matt's cock, "I hope we meet again, and perhaps you'll consider a different wristband then."
    They dressed, and left the changing room, receiving a brisk goodnight from the still immaculately dressed butler, Miguel slipping him a large denomination euro note as they left. A taxi pulled up and Miguel got in the front, Matt flanked by the two women in the back. They pulled away and Matt felt his hand being lifted by Fliss, pushing it up her dress to her panty covered crotch, he could feel the wetness of his cum leaking out ...