1. Spanish Hospitality

    Date: 6/6/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byReclaimingLostTime, Source: Literotica

    ... grinning at his predicament lay back down. Matt retreated to the pool, finding that the cool water soon had him back to a more normal state.
    They covered up for lunch, finding that seemed more appropriate, and then retreated to the cool of their bedrooms for siesta. Matt and Fiona undressed and got into bed, Fiona cuddling up to him, her hand curling round his cock. "I'm proud of you this morning," she said, "just the one erection, or is it that we don't turn you on anymore?"
    "Far from it," replied Matt, feeling himself grow in her hand, their lips meeting as his hand found her breast. Just then there was a snick as their door opened and they looked up to see Fliss beside the bed, naked.
    "Sorry," she said, "but my bed is so lonely, do you mind if I join you?" With an inward groan, Matt lifted up the covers by way of agreement as Fiona turned away from him, spooning back into him, her backside tantalisingly soft against his hard cock. Fliss cuddled up to Matt's back as her arm came round his body. "That's better," she mumbled as they slowly drifted off to sleep.
    Matt woke up, his cock hard again, still nuzzled up against a soft backside, his hand cupping a breast, but as he began to rock against her, he realised that it was not Fiona he was cuddling but Fliss. Quietly he backed away, seeing her stir briefly before her breathing returned to a soft rhythm. He rolled over and slipped his hand down to caress his wife's soft backside, sliding his fingers down her ...
    ... crease to find her warm folds. He allowed his fingers to trace along them, gently parting them, then finding her pussy slid a finger in.
    Fiona stirred, her eyes blinking open as she turned towards him, her hand once more finding his cock and stroking it. Her eyes looked over his shoulder and saw Fliss in the bed beside them and instinctively pulled her hand away, as Matt caught it and replaced it, "She's asleep," he whispered easing her hand back and forth over his erection.
    A little reluctantly Fiona resumed her stroking as Matt rolled onto his back and Fiona slipped a leg over his, pressing her pussy down on his thigh. He lay back and closed his eyes, allowing the pleasant sensation to wash over him as Fiona's expert manipulation of his cock continued. He felt the covers pulled back, then a strange sensation on him. He opened his eyes and saw that he now had two hands rubbing him, one from each side as Fliss had now woken up and joined her sister's stroking.
    Anxiously he turned to look at Fiona and saw to his relief that she was smiling across at Fliss, "This is becoming a bit of a habit," she murmured, "I'll be glad when Miguel is home!"
    "Not half as glad as I'll be," replied Fliss.
    Matt lay back once more and revelled in the sensation, wondering if he was just going to get a hand job. His imagination started to wander, seeing Fliss' pussy in his mind's eye, seeing her impale herself on his cock as he thrust inside her and with a sudden lurch his cock exploded, ...