Date: 6/4/2024,
True Story
Female exhibitionist,
Group Sex
Older Female / Males,
Oral Sex
Author: CecilBCK
... seducing another woman. Even more exciting being seduced by a woman, two women is very exciting while my man watches and enjoys.
“Sarah won’t be long, she is taking great trouble to prepare for you, she wants to make an entrance for us,” I heard Roger telling someone in the next room at eight on a Friday night. Will he make my dreams come true tonight? Or something incredibly sexually arousing for me - and him - while he watches?
Today I wanted to look like, feel like and be treated like a cougar lesbian, just a touch of lipstick, mascara, rouge, eye shadow, my short blond hair slicked back to give myself a lesbian look, heels, a very short black skirt and a modest white blouse with just half the buttons fastened. No underwear, though I did have a gold chain around my hips.
“I am so pleased you invited us here today Sarah,” Blair and Carson both told me after I made my entrance to the room we reserve for our sexual activities, wall length mirrors and ceiling mirror, a large day bed, and some chairs. “You know we have wanted to have you since we first met you Sarah.” They are a few years younger than us, Blair makes no secret of her sexuality with her slim, butchy, though attractive appearance. Carson on the other hand is a most attractive lipstick lesbian, my man and I both know they are in a relationship.
“So pleased Sarah,” they repeated as they lightly tongue kissed me in turn, while I focused. My man Roger’s almost naked body was smeared in oil, sitting on a ...
... stool, naked apart from his sexy. black jock strap, his taut ass on full display. Blair and Carson were sitting side-by-side on a settee, before they stood to kiss me.
The women were both wearing men’s shirts, Roger’s business shirts, Blair in a white one and Carson in a black one, holding Roger’s hand, obviously her who had oiled my man’s body. Unsure if I was comfortable with her oiling my man’s body, though when she tongue kissed me while I admired her body, wanting it, my jealousy disappeared.
“Show Sarah and I how good you are. I told you she loves being licked and teased,” Roger told them as he retrieved his shirts from their naked bodies. They were both wearing heels, I felt sure Roger had insisted on heels.
“You look hot Sarah, very hot,” Blair and Carson both told me as they undressed me, Carson my blouse and Blair my skirt. Leaving me naked apart from my heels. I was determined to be the centre of attention for the two women with my man watching on. I was standing retuning Blair’s tongue kisses as Carson licked and kissed my nipples, her hand on my ass.
Then I was on my back on the day bed, one knee pointing to the ceiling mirror as Blair licked and kissed the inside of my thigh, before her pointy tongue found my clit, then slid along my cunt lips. She is good, so good, I am wet for her. Carson was alternating tongue kissing me and licking and sucking my nipples. Sexual heaven for me with my man Roger watching, his now full on erection hanging out of his ...