1. cheat part 1

    Date: 6/3/2024, Categories: Fiction Cheating Author: Big Red One, Source: sexstories.com

    ... though.
    I did not want to be baby trapped if my suspicions were proven so I had a vasectomy. I told her I had been injured at work by falling off a scaffold onto my nuts so I avoided sex for a couple of weeks then only had oral sex for a couple more weeks then we went back to trying for a baby, I was pretty sure I was now safe and got tested to make sure.
    Fast forward a couple of months and she excitedly tells me we are going to have a baby ... well that proves that she has been and still is cheating so while acting excited I prepared myself to leave and arrange another place to live, got a transfer to another branch of my employment. we had no property or much money so there was no real problems to sort out.
    I convinced her to wait until mother day celebrations at her mothers in a weeks time to make the announcement.
    At the dinner table she proudly got up to announce to the whole family that she was pregnant and there was lots of hugs and kisses for her which she lapped up.
    Finally after things had died down a bit her Mum said to me "how's it feel to know she is finally pregnant?" I stood up, looked at my wife and said calmly "do you know which one is the father?"
    The noise died down and you could have heard a pin drop just like her jaw.
    There was lots of confused looks around the table as they looked from me to her and back again "wha wha what do you mean?" she said with a shocked and shaking voice "its yours of course!" as she started to get angry ... ...
    ... other voices were raised in anger at me "how could you say such a thing" etc etc
    Her voice went shrill as she yelled out "how could you say such a horrible thing ?"
    "Well it can't be mine, I had a vasectomy after you fucked the stripper" I said then calmly turned and walked out the door to complete silence. I got in my Ute with all my possessions packed under the tonneau cover and headed interstate to my new job I had transferred to near to my Parents house. They were quite shocked but understood and refused all requests to put me on the line when people rang.
    I had dozens of missed calls from my wife and just as many from her family and friends.
    At the moment I just needed to get away for a while to sort myself out with no outside pressure, I do still love her and feel betrayed, angry, disgusted, alone, unloved and a million other feelings.
    I felt like such an arsehole for being so cold and cruel to wait until everything was prepared and her whole family could see what a cheating bitch she was!
    Should I give her another chance and insist on a DNA test, I really have no idea what to do, Divorce? Probably for the best as even if the kid was somehow mine I could never trust her again.
    My wife Rose was sitting on top of my morning erection as I stumbled dreamily from sleep and she groaned in appreciation as I stretched up pushing deeper inside her. I had no idea how she had managed to ride me without waking me but I grinned and lustily croaked “oh ...