1. Stepson Fantasies - Chapters 10 and 11 Epilogue

    Date: 6/3/2024, Categories: Fiction Blackmail, Coercion Cum Swallowing Exhibitionism Group Sex Job/Place-of-work Author: canemont, Source: sexstories.com

    Chapter 10: The party and Chapter 11 Epilogue
    Peggy said nothing to her blackmailer as they drove in his vehicle to their ultimate destination. It was several minutes away, but with her vision obscured she really had no idea where they were. She wasn’t about to talk to this creep, either. They pulled in and parked, then walked a bit, and came to what sounded like a heavy metal door. So, she guessed they were not in someone’s home. She was led down a hallway and put in a room to wait.
    “Have a seat. There are refreshments. Maybe it would improve your mood to have a drink or two while you wait”. He laughed, put her purse on the table, and apparently left the room.
    “What a prick”, she thought to herself. A drink did sound like a good idea to calm her down. She worked the hood up over her face enough to see around the room. She was in the kitchen area of a business. There were several bottles of bourbon and vodka, and a few mixers. She grabbed a glass and quickly poured some bourbon over ice. She tossed it down. Then had another.
    She could hear several muffled voices in an adjoining room. She guessed maybe a dozen or more, so she pulled her hood back down to conceal her identity. It also kept her from knowing who her blackmailer was, which was intentional. She did not want him to feel threatened by her knowing his identity. The voices were getting more animated and a cheer or two was heard. “Somebody’s having a good time”, she thought.
    Suddenly a door flew open, ...
    ... and the voices sounded much louder. She heard her blackmailer’s voice, saying “Showtime, Slut! Time to suck a few dicks”. He grabbed her leash and let her into a large room, like a conference room, or something. The room was buzzing with voices but when she was led in, the place got immediately quiet. Then an uproar started. They all were telling her blackmailer what a great job he did getting the entertainment. They were very complimentary about her; even thought they could not see her face. “Killer body! Whoo, hooo! Look at that ass! let’s see her tits!”
    Someone started playing some cheesy dance music as Peggy was led to the center of the room. She could barely see the shadowy figures thru her hood, but that was OK with her. She didn’t want to know who they were. She decided to play along, and make them think she was a pro, so there would be no suspicions as to her identity. She started to move to the beat of the music and after a song or two, decided to rev up the party. She unzipped the short skirt and let it dangle on her hips. The voices of the men became much more agitated, in anticipation of what would happen next. She then started to pull at her tank top. It was clingy, and already exposed every curve of her chest but the men wanted to see her skin. She gave them what they wanted and pulled the shirt off. She shimmied out of the skirt and except for her shoes and the hood, was totally naked. Her pulse rate rose as she paraded around the room, randomly touching the ...