1. Wartime Comfort House Diary - Day 6 Wife Climaxed

    Date: 6/2/2024, Categories: Fiction Asian, Authoritarian, Blowjob Coercion Consensual Sex Domination/submission Erotica First Time Foot or shoe fetish, Group Sex Hardcore Male / Females Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Romance Threesome Virginity Wife Young Author: rojac29, Source: sexstories.com

    I woke up with my local bride, Cherry, still in my arm, watching me with her big brown eyes. I kissed her forehead lightly. Miss Yamaha was gone.
    Then Miss Yamaha walked in, fully dressed in traditional kimono. 'Good morning General, hope you slept well. I did.' Her sweet smile told me she was content. 'Your breakfast is ready, would you like your new wife to join you?' 'Good idea, Miss Yamaha. I want to leave her with you for now so she can learn everything about comforting me. She can sleep in my room here until she is ready. I will come back to see you two tonight.' 'As you like, General.' Yuko explained to Cherry, who got up to dress while Yuko wiped my body with a wet towel and took my uniform to dress. She is the expert. I noticed envy in Yuko's eyes when she saw my stare at my new bride's sensual body.
    Throughout the day my thoughts kept coming back to last evening and my new local wife. I was keen to see her progress. Miss Yamaha greeted me warmly at the entrance of the Comfort House. 'General, you will again be comforted by your new local wife in peace. I have rescheduled those violent warriors to other Comfort Houses. Those coming in all received your order of loving tender comfort only. In fact I will schedule this Comfort House accordingly while your bride is here. The servants here are so happy that they all knelt down in joy to thank you, General.' Indeed as I walked down the long hallway, all the servants kneeling at each doorway said 'General, thanks a ...
    ... million.' To my surprise, my bride, with traditional Japanese makeup and dressed in a kimono, smiled sweetly and bowed as I entered the room. The furnishings had changed from Chinese to Japanese.
    'General, I hope your new bride makes you feel at home.' I always liked Miss Yamaha's organizational skills.
    Cherry poured me some sake. I gave the cup to my bride to taste, she took a sip and coughed. I took a mouthful, swirled it around in my mouth before feeding a little to her. 'Tell her to swirl in her mouth before swallowing'. Cherry followed the instruction and smiled after swallowing. I slowly fed her bit by bit the rest of the mouthful. Then I gave her the cup. She was able to drink a little more while her face started blushing. I kissed her lips and she fed some sake back to me with a mischievous grin. I got up for her to remove my uniform, then she sensually remove her kimono.
    'Miss Yamaha, I want to give my bride my seeds. Ask her.' Sensing my usual preference of not making my collection pregnant, Yuko spoke with Cherry. 'General, she had regular periods but stopped many months ago so she doesn't know when. Looks like the starving and malnutrition caused it. I told her to report changes to me immediately.'
    I looked at my thin bride's body and suddenly got a bright idea. 'Miss Yamaha, bring Maple to us. From now on, her milk will be collected for my bride only. Cherry needs the extra nourishment.' 'Right away, General.' as she bowed and backed out of the room. I ...