The Witcher: Geralt and the Gwent Tournament (part 3)
Date: 5/29/2024,
Fan fiction,
Males / Female,
Author: GideonBard
... you to help me get into the room where the prize money was stolen so we can track down the thieves,” he said. Sasha used her charm and skills of deceit to navigate through the crowd and guards, gaining them access to the room.
Clues of the break-in were scattered but not insurmountable. The duo approached the scene of the crime, where a lifeless guard lay with a crossbow bolt protruding from his chest. Geralt knelt beside the fallen man, inspecting the bolt with a discerning eye.
"This isn't an ordinary crossbow bolt," he muttered. "It's tainted with a substance, something magical, a noonwraith-derived poison. That explains why no one heard the scuffle, this substance paralyzed and blinded the guard."
Sasha's eyes widened as the gravity of the situation sank in. "Magic? I thought all of the mages in Novigrad had been hunted down or fled the city?"
“This wasn’t done by a mage. A mage wouldn’t have needed a cross-bolt to paralyze the guard,” Geralt pondered, his brow furrowed, notable concern visible on his face. "No, this is the work of another witcher.”
Geralt rose, his gaze shifting to the balcony where the thieves had made their escape. He noticed faint scuff marks on the deck board leading to the railing where two deep indentations dug into the otherwise flawless handrail. “The thief must have scaled the three-story building's walls using a grappling hook and rope," Geralt observed. "Let's follow the trail. We might find more clues outside."
As they ...
... descended the stairs and stepped into the cool evening air, the duo examined the tracks leading away from the inn. Sasha was impressed by Geralt's heightened senses, he seemed to be able to find the slightest traces of footsteps. "The tracks stop here," Geralt noted his finger the footprints in the dirt. On a nearby road, several hundred feet from the Passiflora, Geralt examined a broken box with a distinct logo on it. "This could be a clue.”
Sasha nodded, her expression serious. "That logo looks familiar,” she said, pacing for a few minutes before the answer dawned on her, “I got it! It’s the logo of a Qulliq lamp oil company. I believe they store the seal oil in a warehouse located near the harbor.”
“Lead the way,” Geralt said.
The path to the warehouse led them away from the city center to the edge of town. Abandoned structures dotted the streets around them, their windows shattered, and doors creaking in the breeze. Vagrants took residence in the dilapidated buildings that sheltered them from the cold night breeze. In the distance, near the water, dim lights could be seen flickering in a building that appeared, unlike the rest, to be functional. “Let's investigate,” Geralt said.
They approached cautiously, sneaking in the shadows, to get as close to the warehouse as they could. The warehouse appeared heavily fortified with a large number of armed guards protecting the boat and the entrances to the warehouse. In the distance, the duo could see teams of armed workers ...