1. The Final Arrangement

    Date: 5/28/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: RavenUK

    ... and answers quickly so as not to wake her.
    John is openly weeping. Between sobs, he gasps, "Thank you."
    "John, I feel awful! I..." He's stopped by a surge of intense guilt, an overwhelming sense of betrayal that leaves him feeling a hollow shell.
    John interrupts, gasping out words with barely controlled emotion, "You've just been 'you', exactly as I'd hoped. I watched the video call you started. Your respect. Your care. Your tenderness. Your love. And she responded to you so naturally, so freely. You're incredible!"
    The air is filled with suffocating grief. He breaks down and they weep quietly together, separated by miles, unable to hug.
    Struggling to regain composure, John continues, "Now I know she'll be safe. I know that you'll take care of each other, after..." His voice trails away. "Love you, bro."
    "Love you too, " he chokes through an aching throat, tears streaming.
    John hangs up.
    And he's suddenly feeling so cold, so alone, so empty; so helpless in the face of the genetic lottery that determined his brother's fate with such cruel finality.
    The bed sways. Soft arms wrap around him and pull him gently into a warm body's embrace. "Oh, come here," she whispers. "I'm so sorry about Jenny! I feel awful for..." She stops and cradles him as he sobs inconsolably; this strong, loving man ripped apart by loss.
    She lets go, too, weeping with him, picturing the hospice bedside where they will face and endure this pain again soon.
    But not alone.