1. Long Distance Friendship

    Date: 5/26/2024, Categories: Love Poems Author: SpicyOnTheShore, Source: LushStories

    In the spaces between, where distance resides,There dwells a cherished friend, my heart confides,So far away, yet close within my soul,A bond, unyielding, an unbreakable role.
    Through the vast ocean and mountains that stand,Our connection stays strong, across time's vast span,Though miles may stretch, and time may elapse,In my heart, sweet friend, our friendship firmly clasps.
    Your laughter echoes like a distant song,Filling the void, where solitude may belong,With each shared moment, like a puzzle we build,A treasure trove of joy, that distance can't wield.
    In thoughts and dreams, together we roam,Exploring the realms of friendship's sweet tome,Through letters and calls, and messages so specialYou're always present; always feel so near.
    Though moments of longing may come to the fore,Our connection remains, an anchor evermore,For true friendship knows no bounds, it's true,Distance may separate, but our love breaks through.
    So, my faraway friend, never feel alone,For you reside within my heart's home,Though apart in body, never in spirit we'll be,Forever connected, ALWAYS you and me.