A Cock in the Hand Ch. 04
Date: 5/25/2024,
Cum Swallowing
First Time
Non-consensual sex
Author: rimaday
I sat in my car looking at the house, asking myself, why?
Why did I go back and look at the floating dick that morning?
Why did I ever come to this place after our first encounter?
Why didn't I leave well enough alone?
Why did I let him manipulate me?
Why am I here now?
Wouldn't you be better off to let Amy know?
Why not just come clean with her and take your chances?
Why don't you just go home now and confess everything?
Why not go to the door, punch his fucking lights out and be free of his manipulations?
Even as I asked myself, the same answers came back.
He's got videos. If they got out, it would go beyond Amy. It would cost me everything. Career, marriage, kids, family, and friends.
I replayed this morning in my head, still in stunned disbelief. The queasiness in my bowels reminded me of the awkwardness of 'cleaning' my 'pussy' for him. I vaguely recalled having an enema once as a child, but now, the discomfort of the experience was renewed, and etched in my mind forever.
I snuck out to the car to retrieve the kit and administered the procedure in the guest bath downstairs. Thankfully, everyone slept. It seemed like forever before I felt like my system was finally back to near normal.
There, I sat in my car, with the three-balled dildo he forced up my ass yesterday.
It laid on the seat next to me. I'm not sure why I brought it. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to but did not want the two-foot-long giant spatula stinging my ass ...
... again, if he thought I should have.
I was wearing my running shorts and a tank top. Amy thought I was 'out for a morning run.' In reality, I was about to lose my virginity to a sick, unemployed, blackmailing perv.
I thought I might be sick, as I replayed that first morning in my head. I was out for my first jog in our new town, enjoying the early-morning quiet of the woods, when that magically floating boner flashed in the corner of my eye. If only I hadn't gone back to look. I thought I was hallucinating, until I saw him in his olive-green sweats camouflaged in the early morning light next to a tree. His pink massive hard-on, and balls looked like they were floating in the air at first glance.
I would never believe the story of his manipulation, if I hadn't lived it myself. And there's the rub, as Shakespeare would say. Amy would never believe any of it and the videos would seal the deal. He knew too much about us and particularly about her. If he sent them to her, it would be over, no doubt.
At least, that was the logic that I could live with, to justify being there, knowing I would be letting him take my anal cherry in just a few minutes. The part that was hard to live with, was knowing, just yesterday he forced me to take the dildo in my ass and eventually, I came without my cock even being touched.
Staring at the dildo, I had never felt anything like it. The vibration on my prostate caused a long, intense orgasm that seemed to empty me completely. Part of ...