Carls's Porn BBS
Date: 5/25/2024,
True Story
Boy / Boy,
First Time
Oral Sex
Teen Male / Teen Male,
Author: Works Fire
This is an almost true story. I've experienced some awesome porn story beginnings, I missed almost every one of those opportunities out of naivety. If I were a little better at reading the situation my life would have been one long string of fucking and being fucked. It starts out true... then at an unmarked point I chicken out. Looking back I wish I would have stuck to it and had this whole experience. I get there eventually, but I could have started so much earlier.
It was the 1980's and the internet was barely a thing. We used computers with modems to call up private Bulletin Board Systems to message, download programs, and play online “door” games. I was over at my friend Carl's house he told me he had the number for a “warez” BBS that also had an invite only porn collection.
Porn in those days were still mostly monochrome GIFs, with a few EGA (16 color) pictures. An animated GIFs was about the best you could hope for.
I was at Carl's house, his parents were gone for the week, taking a vacation without the kids. They did that frequently, this was the 80's and parents relied on kids to watch out for themselves. Carl was sitting at his L-shaped computer desk in his bedroom. He had an Atari something or other, I don't remember the model. I was sitting on the edge of his bed off to his side. From that vantage I couldn't see the screen because the printer on the small leg of the L-shaped desk blocked my view.
He was doing the war games thing of speaking everything ...
... as he typed it. It started pretty tame, he logged into the warez BBS and we browsed the new games. He wrote down a few files he wanted to download later.
“Why aren't you downloading them now?”
“I want to see if I can get access to the porn I was told is here.”
That was cool by me, I knew I could borrow a few disks and make copies. We had a first gen IBM PC with CGA graphics at home.
Carl paged the SYSOP. We wait a few minutes, “He answered. He wants to know what we want.”
Me being 15-year old hormone factory answered, “Porn, porn, porn, porn, porn porn porn, porn, da da dah da dah!”
There's no response.
Carl looks at me before turning back to the computer and reciting as he types, “I am GAY.”
Access level increases immediately.
“Carl! Why would you say that?”
He doesn't hesitate, “These old guys are all horny and gay. If you want to see their porn, you have to say something like that.”
I'm a bit dubious but play along, “Ok, lets see what the old horny gay dude has to share.”
I get off the bed and walk around and stand between Carl and the wall so I can view the porn I came to see.
Carl starts downloading file after file, the down-loader displays the pictures line by line as they crawl across the screen. Every picture is of naked men, and some of naked boys playing with one another.
There's a lot of dicks getting sucked and I couldn't help but realize that my dick was rock hard. I'm nervous Carl will turn and notice. That's when I see ...