Dave, your wife Lisa and me 3
Date: 5/25/2024, Categories: Diary , BDSM Bestiality, Hardcore Humiliation Water Sports/Pissing, Wife Author: Peter Thompson
Letter No 3 July 2013 Hi Dave, Your wife and me So it not been a full year but there has been a development of exquisite delight with your wife. I can’t believe how far your wife has developed in the 3½ years since I first fucked her and all the things that she has accepted along the way. Of course only a small fraction of that development is down to me, but I have certainly appreciated the hand of others in these things. More than that I have appreciated the introduction from you and Lisa of so many married women into my games; who now come by at a regular interval to play with me, I am usually busy 3, sometimes 4 nights a week. I had previously spasmodic play with women for these games, but to be introduced to 7 women in a short span of time who were attractive all in their 30’s, (with the exception of your mother in law); all married and allowed to play (most important); all had done levels of kinky and rough sex; four were already well trained k9 experienced and five were full scat trained and four, I’d class as pain sluts: I know most of these ladies were involved in your swap club, organised most by your sister in law but it is an Aladdin’s cave for a man like me. I have continued to push Lisa to bring over one or both of your boys to watch her submission to me, but so far it hasn’t happened, I know she feels both are still too young, but I detect that her resistance to the idea is now very low and I feel it could happen almost any time. By her own ...
... admission she has come so very close to letting it happen. I have to say that in the recent month’s she has seemed hotter and hornier than ever, I know she has been very sexually active during that time. Lisa has always been keen to play, but I would say she seems even greedy for sex now, almost since she brought George over for his session. That seemed to light a fire in her. I would say and ask you if you can concur, I think her clit has grown in the last year; because it always seems to be poking out and oh so sensitive. I have explained to you that she and I have played this game of chance, which if she loses she has to bring one of your sons over with her. I have also played the same game with her sister under the same conditions. I have no doubts that if either loses, which ever sister that is would not go through with the deal, it’s actually quite delicious to see how torn each is, each is not only excited but hugely aroused and can’t hide it, but each is fearful of the outcome. The very first time I had Lisa play the game she lost and she should have had to bring your youngest over – he wasn’t even 9 at that time she was horrified yet at the same time became sexually insatiable for hours and that was the night she volunteered or offered that instead she would do a K9 session. These days both she and her sister seem more relaxed about which son would join them. I think they both know it will happen, I think within weeks. Lisa had the same resistance when I first ...