1. The Perfect Fuck Buddy Ch. 08

    Date: 5/22/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: bymajicman21, Source: Literotica

    ... smiled.
    "He smelled nice, did you notice? I don't know if he put on cologne because he knew girls would be at the party, but it was nice, whatever it was."
    "I didn't notice that," he replied, keeping his voice cool despite a surge of annoyance.
    "I'm a little disappointed he didn't try to kiss me, but maybe he was just being super polite."
    "You can stop now," he told her pointedly.
    "Stop what? You told me to keep talking."
    He rolled his eyes.
    "You're even less subtle than your mom was."
    "Subtle about what?. I'm just talking about Jordan."
    She smiled sweetly.
    "I can stop talking if you want. I wouldn't want to make you feel some type of way."
    He glanced at an upcoming exit sign.
    "No, keep going. Obviously you're angling for some sort of reaction."
    "You want me to get annoyed. Get mad and maybe take it out on you, fuck you harder than usual."
    "I mean, that sounds like fun, I guess. But I was just talking."
    "Right, because you're so innocent."
    She pouted theatrically.
    "What're you saying? That your baby girl isn't innocent?"
    He laughed.
    "Oh, I wouldn't dare imply anything."
    "Ooh!" she suddenly exclaimed. "What if you go on that date with whoever Aunt Sylvia wanted to set you up with..."
    Don't say it.
    "...and I'll go out with Jordan! We'll make it a double date. What do you think?"
    He pursed his lips.
    "I think you want to get into trouble."
    "Trouble?" she asked, unable to hide a ...
    ... brief mischievous grin.
    "Same as your mom. She loved to push my buttons. Loved how I would react."
    "How would you react?"
    "You'll see. Since obviously you're hoping to find out."
    The exit sign came up again, so he eased into the proper lane.
    "Why're we getting out here?" she asked.
    "No reason," he said, glancing around, quickly noticing a garishly-colored restaurant, basically a large shack, with picnic tables in a variety of similarly garish colors arranged around it, the sign on the roof of the shack boasting an anthropomorphic trio of cheeseburger, milkshake, and hot dog.
    "Where are we going?" she asked, a budding excitement coloring her voice.
    "Just wait."
    An abandoned auto repair shop waited ahead. Alex pulled off the road, and drove around back, finding the area hemmed in by a chain-link fence broken in several places, with a small wooded area on the other side.
    "Get out," he said, parking close to the old, crumbling building, and slipping out into the balmy night, the smell of oncoming rain heavy in the air.
    She giggled, and followed him to the back of the car.
    "Bend over," he directed next, gesturing to the trunk.
    She obeyed, stretching out her upper half, her skirt riding up to reveal more of her thighs.
    Alex felt his cock twitch.
    "Hands behind your back."
    She giggled again, clasping her hands together at the small of her back.
    "You know what I'd do to your mom when she tried to make me jealous?"'
    She ...