Going Home FOR College
Date: 5/22/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byPurelySweet
Hi, my name is Brandi. I just graduated high school and I am getting ready for my next adventure. I just turned 19 so it was time to look for colleges. While most girls are looking to go away for college, I am looking to go home for college. Here is what I mean. My dad and mom split up a few years ago. I wanted to go with my dad then but he took a job about 200 miles away and I didn't want to leave my school. I had to finish high school where I was because I had established myself there. I had friends and after-school activities not to mention I knew all the teachers. So, we decided that it would be best to stay where I was. Don't get me wrong, my mom is awesome. I love her to death, but I am a daddy's girl. So, now all I have to do is get accepted at the college just down the road from my dad's lakeside cabin and I can go home for college. I know the mail will be here soon so I decided to go wait for it in the driveway. Our mailman Jim had been a friend of the family for years so I knew he was watching for the letter too. I see the truck pulling up. What is in Jim's hand? "Look what I've got!" He said as he got out of the truck. It was a large envelope and I could see it now. "Awesome! Thanks, Jim" I said, hardly able to contain my excitement. I grabbed the envelope and tore it open reading the words I had so wanted to hear for so long. 'Congratulations' it said and the rest of the words blurred as I realized the meaning of just that one word. "I got it!" I ...
... yelled, hugging Jim in my excitement. He just smiled completely used to my excessive reactions. "Good for you Brandi. When you get out there, tell Frank I said hello." Frank was her dad's name. "I will," I said. He handed me the rest of the mail and I went back inside to begin packing. Granted I wouldn't be starting school till the fall but there were still preparations and I didn't want to wait another minute to see my dad. I mean every other weekend was great and all but not nearly enough time. ************************************************************************************************** I walked down the stairs with my final suitcase. Mom was waiting by the car with her new boyfriend Mark. He was alright but not my dad. I hugged my mom and shook Mark's hand, then put my suitcase in the truck and turned back to Mom. "I will come visit every other weekend like I did with Dad. I love you Mom" I hugged her again. "I love you too sweetheart," She said, tears filling her eyes "I'm going to miss you." "I know Mom." I said, trying to reassure her "I'll call often and tell you about my day like I usually do." "Good, I want to hear about all the fun things you and your dad do." She said, smiling I opened the door and climbed in. I backed out of the driveway with my mom waving at me holding onto Mark and crying. I guess all moms are sad when their daughter moves away. I was sad too but I knew I would see her often so I wasn't broken up. When dad left I had ...