1. KENNEL BITCH, Chapter 1

    Date: 5/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Bestiality, Blackmail, Bondage and restriction Male/Female Wife Author: dogduty, Source: sexstories.com

    ... hold a dog. Each had a door in the front and back. Then Terry grabbed a different remote control, and demonstrated how with a push of a button. The front doors would open, allowing the dog to go take care of his bitch. The back doors will allow his hired help. To rotate the dogs as they go. Bringing in fresh new dogs from the kennel as the show goes on. Naturally, there was a door that went out into the kennels as well. Circling around, was a door to another room. With only two items in it, a sturdy table in the middle. With a few tie down rings. And a couple more rings on each leg and more imbedded into the floor. And then a locked cabinet on the wall. And another door leading outside into the backyard. Tammy couldn’t resist. “Let me guess, this is where you will prepare OUR, unwillingly participant. To “volunteer” to be bred. Right?” Terry grinned, “Well,,,, every debt eventually needs a down payment, right?”
    The next door opened up to a larger room. Filled with overstuffed chairs, sofa’s, etc., etc. And a big screen TV on the wall. Here were numerous coat hooks and storage bins too. And another door leading out into the backyard. Without thinking, Tammy asks, “What’s this room for?” And Terry was more than willing to explain. “This is where the clients will come, before the action starts. They have a place for their clothes, if they decide to participate in the nights festivities. And they’ll be watching porn on the big screen. As they wait for their Viagra to kick in. ...
    ... This way, they too, will be a primed and ready to perform themselves. Nothing worse than a limp dick, right Tammy?” “RIGHT!” she said.
    Next came the bathroom. Mixed sex of course. That shouldn’t matter around a place like this. It was equipped with 6 shower stalls. Each one had a special extra hose, with a smooth rounded end on it. Terry said he thought some of women might like to try and wash out the cum from their pussies and asses before they head for home. One more room to go.
    Walking through the last door, Terry looked at Tammy and said, “Well, this is your office.” It was well furnished will all the usual’s. Filing cabinets, desk, a few chairs and the like. And a computer of course. Tammy spoke up. “This is good time for us to talk about, exactly what you expect of me, my responsibilities that is. Other than the obvious when we are entertaining the clients.” Terry replies, “Good question, we still haven’t covered that yet. First off, it isn’t like we’ll be entertaining guests all the time here. We have to spread these around. I think you should count on maybe 2 per month. We’ll see how it goes. You’re going to be a busy gal the way it is. Training these beasts to be efficient fucking machines. If we get a dog that just isn’t getting the idea, let me know. And we’ll replace him. But most, eventually figure it out. After that, they just need to be trained on how to do it right. Dogs are smart, I’d say after 4-6 months of training. That’s a fresh dog of course. He’ll ...