1. KENNEL BITCH, Chapter 1

    Date: 5/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Bestiality, Blackmail, Bondage and restriction Male/Female Wife Author: dogduty, Source: sexstories.com

    ... stay spread apart. And expose your asshole as much as possible to that determined cock. Besides, when that cock finally goes in. That’s what the hand holds are for. To help you endure that initial bolt of pain.
    Terry eagerly watched Tammy as she looked over her breeding bench. He wasn’t sure if her silence was a good thing or not. “So,,,,,,,,,,, Tammy, is there anything we missed?” She turned, “Terry, this thing is a work of art! So well thought out, I should be very comfortable as I’m gettin bred. I can’t help but notice, you also added a few other little options.” Acting dumb, Terry asks, “And what might they be?” Tammy, with a sly, playful look on her face, answers. “I can’t help be notice, there are large rings placed here and there. All in strategically placed spots. And all securely anchored in. What would their possible use be? (as if she didn’t know).” Terry couldn’t hide the shit ass eaten grin on his face. “Well Babe, just thought you might like to enjoy old times. If you know what I mean.” Tammy put two and two together real quick and replied, “Oh yes, I can just imagine it now. Private shows for your best paying clients. Which would explain the extra space around the room. After all, they need some place to sit and watch. Not to mention, the endless supply of dogs outside to fuck me time and time again. As I’m tied down, with no choice in the matter. Forced to wonder which breed of dog will be breeding me next.
    And I’d be willing to bet. You have a remote ...
    ... control that overrides these buttons. Which controls the bench height and how much my legs are forced apart. That way, you can help guarantee, which one of my cum soaked holes gets fucked next. And why not add another table over in the corner there. Equipped with stirrups and leg irons. I’d be willing to bet, these horny clients of yours would love to ram their cocks into a sexy bitch. Knowing damn well, there would be no consequences. Then there’s the sexy little gal passing out drinks on the house. And you walking around with a supply of little blue pills for 50 bucks each. Hoping the party goes on till the we hours of the morning. So, tell me, did I nail it? Or am I out of line?”
    Terry was amazed at Tammy’s insight. This woman had him pegged. There’s no use in trying to pull the wool over her eyes. She’s just as deranged as I am. Time to cross my fingers, be honest, and come clean. Besides, there’s a ton of money riding on this woman. “Tammy, like I’ve said before, you continue to amaze me. You’re beautiful, smart, and have a body that’s just begging to get fucked. And you’ve got me in a corner.” He reached into his pocket. “You’re right, here’s the remote that overrides the controls on the bench. You got me there. And the bench with the stirrups and all the attachments, well, that’s on order. But you are smarter than me. The thought of a little petite gal passing out free drinks, and the little blue pills? What a splendid idea!” “But, does the thought of all this give ...