1. KENNEL BITCH, Chapter 1

    Date: 5/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Bestiality, Blackmail, Bondage and restriction Male/Female Wife Author: dogduty, Source: sexstories.com

    ... offer. But there’s so many unanswered questions. Like how many dogs are we talking about. And this operation certainly won’t work here in town. Those dogs are going to bark. Plus, our yard isn’t big enough or even close to having enough room. That is, I’m assuming your talking about more than 6-8 dogs. And what about all the food and cleaning up after them. Lots of work and cost involved here.”
    The bookie leaned forward in his seat. And looked into Tammy’s eyes. “No sweetheart, I’m not talking 6-8 dogs. Hell no, that wouldn’t keep us supplied for even one show. I’m talkin about 40-50 dogs! But before your pussy and ass freak out. Some of these dogs will be out on the road most of the time. In rotation so to speak. They will come and go as we need them. I’d say at any given time, you would only have around 20-30 dogs in your kennel to service and train. As you know, practice makes perfect. You will also need to train from scratch. Any new dogs I bring in to replace the dogs that either no longer perform well. Or to replace the ones that get sold. You see, some of my clients. Plus the clients of some of my other underground buddies across the country. Sometimes buy our well trained dogs for big money. They buy them for their wives and girl friends who decide they too. Want a dog to fuck them whenever they desire.
    Actually, after your performance, I had two clients each buy a dog from me. Both had their girlfriends with them to watch you. Both gals decided right then and ...
    ... there. They needed to become a dog’s bitch. And get fucked by a beast who knows no bonds. One said she was mesmerized by the amount of cum they produced. And was hoping their cum tasted good. Wonder what she has in mind? The other gal just couldn’t wait to know what it felt like to have a big knot force it’s way into her pussy.”
    Tammy could hardly believe what she was hearing. But still asked, “What about this facility, or kennel if you will. To house all these fucking monsters? He wasted no time with the details. “Tammy, you and Jon here, will have a new life. I’ll take care of all the financial details. You sell your house here. And keep the money. I already have the perfect property in mind about 20 plus miles out of town. A nice secluded spot on a dead end road. No traffic. I’ll pay for the large kennel needed to house the dogs. Plus, the food etc., etc. And I’m assuming you’ll be needing a “breeding” room where you’ll service the dogs. Whatever you want. You got it.
    And as far as the dogs, I will provide all the new dogs required to keep up our inventory. You’ll never know, or have any say in the breed that shows up. Your job will be to simply train them and fuck them. But I can tell you this. There is little chance you’ll ever see a dog under 75 pounds. Unless he’s got an exceptionally large cock for his size. I need large dogs that can tear into their bitches. You know, let them know that they are getting fucked.” With that, he gave Tammy a wink.
    After a few ...