1. KENNEL BITCH, Chapter 1

    Date: 5/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Bestiality, Blackmail, Bondage and restriction Male/Female Wife Author: dogduty, Source: sexstories.com

    ... someone in here? Knowing dam well what might be happening?” Jon just smiled and said, “I don’t think our guest will have any trouble with what he sees.” About then, the bookie stepped out from behind Jon. “Tammy! How nice it is to see you again!” “I’d offer you a handshake. But I see you’re a little busy right now. Don’t mind me, you just continue enjoying yourself,” he said.
    Tammy was a surprised, she was actually glad to see him again. After all, he did change her life forever. For the better too. As the two men watched the dog drain his balls into Tammy. The bookie looked at Jon and said, “You know Jon, the last time I seen your wife. She was a worn out, exhausted, cum soaked mess. Dog cum dripping out from everywhere. I was afraid we had damaged her forever. But look at her! Just look at her! Those beautiful tits just hanging there, bouncing back and forth with the rhythm of the dog. And that perfectly shaped ass. It just begs to get fucked. Now wonder all the guys at the country club have the hot’s for her. And those legs! They're enough to make a model jealous. And she’s very pretty to boot.” “So, tell me Jon, does she like to get fucked in the ass know?”
    A big grin came over Jon’s face, “As a matter of fact, she does. Why just last night I had my cock buried deep in her ass. I guess I have you to thank for that.” The bookie laughed as he replied, “No Jon, I can’t take the credit. The one you need to thank is that well hung Great Dane. He’s the one who finally ...
    ... forced that tight little asshole into submission.”
    Pop, went the sound of his knot. As his cock fell from Tammy’s soaked pussy. The dog laid down to lick himself clean. And Tammy walked over to where the two men were sitting. Her eyes locked onto the bookie. “Well, well, isn’t this a surprise! Didn’t think I’d ever see you again. Hope you don’t mind me standing here, cum dripping and all.” The bookie was a gracious guest. “Hell no, as a matter of fact, the sight pleases me to no end. You are so sexy! Any cock that has the opportunity to fuck that body of yours is truly blessed. I just hope there are no hard feelings between the two of us.”
    Tammy had so much she wanted to say to him. But where to start. “Well,” then she paused. “I must admit, at first, I hated your guts. To think someone was perverted enough to do something like that to another human being. But then, as my abduction continued, and even though I was only half conscious, I did finally have to admit to myself. That now matter how perverted the act was. In the end, I loved it! You opened up a whole new world to me. Got me more in touch with my womanhood. More than I ever could have imagined. I must thank you for that.”
    Then Tammy decided to throw a little something back into his face. Just to see his reaction. She walked over to where he was sitting. And suddenly turned her back to him, bent over, then reached back and spread both of her ass checks. “So I hear you like my tight little asshole?” The bookie ...